A declaração de que "só um louco deixaria o Real Madrid sem que o clube queira", dada por José Mourinho, em entrevista à emissora RAI1, da Itália, não foi bem um conselho desinteressado para Carlo Ancelotti.
I know you guys had a slow start to the season, but 7th after back to back european finals isnt bad no? Has the on pitch product been super ugly or something lol
Most likely a fake news.
Jose is waiting for a contract renewal, WC is a bit far away, This is too early for Jose to aim for National jobs
Rumour is that the club is not that keen on offering him a renewal, so he might be looking for a job
I know you guys had a slow start to the season, but 7th after back to back european finals isnt bad no? Has the on pitch product been super ugly or something lol