A declaração de que "só um louco deixaria o Real Madrid sem que o clube queira", dada por José Mourinho, em entrevista à emissora RAI1, da Itália, não foi bem um conselho desinteressado para Carlo Ancelotti.
Brazilian players need mentality change and I can see Mourinho putting fire under these players’ asses similar to what he did in Madrid. His final year at Madrid was not ideal but I personally think the team’s subsequent successes wouldn’t have been possible without Mourinho. Madrid pre-Mourinho and post are very clear especially when it comes to fighting till end and clutch winning
Brazilian players need mentality change and I can see Mourinho putting fire under these players’ asses similar to what he did in Madrid. His final year at Madrid was not ideal but I personally think the team’s subsequent successes wouldn’t have been possible without Mourinho. Madrid pre-Mourinho and post are very clear especially when it comes to fighting till end and clutch winning