Let’s join the Sailor moon bandwagon

Sailor Moon, black skirt, lace tights, lace gloves,sits on a black chair, in tattoo parlor, a tattoo artists give her a tattoo, gothic, mastepiece

Triggered bing filters due to innapropriate content on that one. not sure how to add a negative prompt to tell the model to not turn NSFW

With SD-XL I got some nice pics but couldn’t get the artists drawing on her

About to get my first tattoo, I’m so anxious

Gothic sailor in the parlor

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    With SD-XL I got some nice pics but couldn’t get the artists drawing on her

    Try using the regional prompter extension. As a common prompt, something like “woman gets a tattoo”, and as the regional prompts for the areas in question, something like “tattoo artist” and “sailor moon”.

  • @[email protected]M
    36 months ago

    Nice, I also have a hard time not getting bing angry but by playing with the word choice you can get some though repetition and trial.

    Here are some that I also had to pull out of bing while fighting the sad dog: