Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.

  • 50 Posts
Joined 3 days ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2025


  • I understand concerns about fragmentation, but recently, I have been more and more in favour of “why not both” as an approach. Basically: One de-facto “central” community, and many local communities. Main reason being, that this will help the Fediverse grow without losing it’s “soul” so to speak. Where - hopefully eventually - there will be those central communities with a reddit-like experience for the topic, and then also local ones, where smaller communities around the topic, without the traps of large, “mainstream” communites, can form.

  • Basically: Resident enfranchisement. It’s weird, when people born in our country and having lived here their whole life can’t vote outside of local elections. My own father, for example, had a Dutch background, and was never allowed to vote in federal elections until his death. (Neither he nor I even spoke/speak a single phrase of Dutch)

    Yes, things have gotten somewhat better and easier with applications for citizenship, but that there are hurdles like that to begin with, is a bit… weird.

  • - link without registration wall

    The investments are being placed through opaque structures known as special-purpose vehicles, which have the benefit of concealing the investors’ identities, to avoid the ire of US authorities and companies wary of Chinese capital during a nadir in relations between the two countries.

    Asset managers behind the deals have told investors that the entities are specifically designed to avoid disclosure. The use of special-purpose vehicles in financing is commonplace and there is nothing illegal about the arrangements.

    Still, it raises concerns about the potential for undue influence and conflicts of interest at a time when Musk has unprecedented involvement in US policy, politics and business.

    Funnily enough, to me personally, there are more questions about what this means concerning Chinese politics and conflicts of interests in the future. The country is not without its own tensions, after all.

    The inflow of Chinese capital into Musk’s business empire is primarily profit-driven and has little to do with technology transfer or influencing public policy, according to people involved in the transactions.

    With a sluggish domestic economy, wealthy Chinese are looking abroad for investment opportunities.

    To me, personally, it serves as a reminder that no amount of red flags waved or social-democratic laws saying “wealth is going to serve the interests of the working class” makes a country communist, only material realities can.

  • Genau genommen ist der Weg so weit ich weiß Fakten -> Erklärungsmodell <-> Experiment (Versuch der Falsifizierung) für neue Fakten. Da funktioniert streng genommen die (natur)wissenschaftliche Methode nicht ganz für Geisteswissenschaften und Politik, selbst bei Soziologie, denn “Experimente” sind gar nicht so leicht, Modelle wirken selbst auf die Fakten, die sie untersuchen, und Fakten sind in ständigem, dialektischem Wandel. Gerade im politischen ist zusätzlich die Gefahr sehr groß, anstatt analytisch zu arbeiten, machtpolitisch auszunutzen. Eine Studie, so sie einflussreich ist, ist nie nur beobachtend, sondern auch beeinflussend, wenn es um gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen geht. (Wenn man etwa beobachtet, dass Frauen öfter X machen und Männer öfter Y, das veröffentlicht, und es viel gelesen wird, beeinflusst diese an sich zuerst neutrale Beobachtung das Selbstbild der Lesenden und ihre Erwartungen innerhalb ihrer Lebensrealität).

    Es gibt es schon ein Phänomen von STEM-Menschen, die gerne die Beherrschbarkeit, Berechenbarkeit und theoretische Ordnung der wissenschaftlichen Methode auf das chaotische System Menschheit, Geschichte und Politik anwenden würden. Zumeist, ohne echtes Verständnis für die Eigenheiten, denen man begegnet.

    Und zudem kann es in der Tat auch entmündigend benutzt werden, was ein echtes Dilemma ist. Einerseits stimmt es, man sollte nicht einfach jeder Meinung denselben Wert geben, wenn es um Entscheidungen geht - zugleich muss aber ein echter Dialog stattfinden können, und der Mensch hinter der Meinung respektiert und mündig bleiben. Kann nicht behaupten, dass ich eine allgemeingültige Lösung habe, oder es eine gibt. Kann aber sagen, dass ich etwas ins Schwadronieren gekommen bin.

    Ich glaube schlussendlich meintest du das auch so grob, ich glaube der Begriff “wissenschaftliche Methode” ist nur so ein Semantikding hier.

  • By now: Yeah, there are some nice creators on PeerTube. Overall, it feels a bit more like old YouTube, many more people just creating because they want to, instead of chasing fame, as well as bizarre and weird little videos here and there. One advantage of it: It has much better native embedding into Lemmy (at least on newer versions)!

    Much like in other fedi-places, it’s work to curate your own feed instead of having algorithms feed you. I have ADHD, so usually, I have some video or something running on my second screen while working on other stuff, and whenever my attention is spent, I switch to there and scour the recent or trending feed (or new vids from subscribers) for something interesting to share and watch.

    For anyone interested - I am always happy to plug [email protected] - we recently hit 200 subscribers and have been steadily growing. If you are looking for an instance to join, I am still tinkering with it, but mine is open to new applications for as long as the server resources allow.