I don’t see what you’re describing. Also it looks like it’s an actual photo based on this blog post, which references a tweet from 2017
I don’t see what you’re describing. Also it looks like it’s an actual photo based on this blog post, which references a tweet from 2017
Debian stable is always outdated and testing is not stable enough. I think Debian is good for servers but not for desktop.
I always wondered why I never see news about protests in the US? Why aren’t people planning demonstrations in the big cities and especially around the white house?
Der relevante Teil aus dem Video
I’m getting more confused about that person. On their GitHub, they have one repo which is a fork of the main Eliza project. Apart from that, their only contributions are to the Eliza project. Fair enough if they want to have a separate GitHub account just for that purpose. But then their twitter account seems to be some crypto fan /developer and Eliza is only mentioned once. Then where are the crypto projects on their GitHub?
I’m trying to understand who the people are that are developing the software. I should probably make a burner twitter account so I can read more of their profiles…
This is the second highest contributor
Not trying to start a witch hunt, there are plenty of Musk apologists, so this screenshot alone doesn’t prove anything.
I looked into the commit history and it doesn’t seem like there was a lot of activity before the US elections, which is weird since OP claims it was written for that purpose. Moreover, the trump character wasn’t commited until two weeks before the election.
Of course it’s entirely possible to fake the git history, but I don’t think it’s likely.
Actually, thinking more about it, it’s quite sinister. The characters they have available as examples are: c3po cosmosHelper Dobby eternalAi sbf trump
Of those, I (and I’m guessing most people) only know c3po, Dobby and Trump. And trump is the only known human model. Now let’s say you want to test the application (which you can from their website if you give them your chatgpt API token), then people are more likely to pick a character they know and so it’s likely to be one of those three. So just running the example with the trump model because you want to test it has already launched a chat bot that has a right leaning rhetoric.
The docs give an example for a trump character, which is weird why they would do it, but people make choices.
But then I went to the GitHub project of Eliza and just searched for trump in the repo. Granted, this was only about 10 mins looking through the code with the trump keyword, but it definitely seems like everything is in place to have a trump-like ai. There is also a note that the trump bot doesn’t directly reply to questions but often diverts the conversation, so it was definitely tested.
That’s only the main branch, god knows what’s in the other branches, I’m sure if someone invests significant time, more info could be gathered. Regardless, the program advertises itself as a way to create bots for social media, so surely someone has used it.
It’s difficult to believe OP (I definitely wants to), but the software is concerning regardless.
Edit: I was a bit back and forth about the whole thing, but I feel like investigating the project definitely has some merit. I’m done for now, but I’d like to hear more opinions as well.
You start the game, blink twice and 3 hours have passed. Fantastic game
The difference between per capita and / 1000 is a factor of 1000. It has the same result visually. Also you’re trying to fit a lot of data into one graph, if you want people to understand it it has to be easy to understand.
Literally any distro. Windows runs so much shit in the background, it just tanks the battery.
Diese ganze Hetzkampagne gegen die Grünen ist auch unglaublich unprofessionell, vor allem wenn er es gleichzeitig nicht schafft starke Worte gegen die AfD zu bringen.
The second one knocked it out of the park. Really well done successor.
That’s wild! I would have liked to join LD again as well, it’s been ages. But life getting in the way.
The options were that your taxes go up by a small amount or substantially. The correct answer is by a small amount since you only pay higher taxes on the one dollar that you’re over.