• 42 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • As others have stated, you’re still going to have to define dead, and you’re going to have to define the question of what happens. I suspect you may not actually have any specifications for either and are just having fun thinking up and about random shit (that’s not a dig; I share this hobby).

    But for the sake of further discussion, let’s add a few more specific (but non-limiting) questions just to help the discussion along.

    I’m going to exclude cases where they’re already deeply buried or cremated because the obvious answer is “stay there” with the exception of a purely magic related situation where their body just spontaneously recorporeates somewhere? What would be the social consequences to that, how would people react, and what would happen to any property they left behind? This actually raises a lot of other questions related to the social dynamics such as:

    • how would the people immediately around them react.
    • what proof would people need to believe it?
    • are they still on the hook for their student and medical debt
    • would it likely start a new religion and how would the existing religions feel about it from most to least happy?

    There’s also some physical questions such as how much skin, muscle, brain, and other organ breakdown would have occurred and which part would have the most damage.

    There’s questions about whether or not they’re likely to have experienced something spiritual (including what we DO know about near-death experiences like the commonality of a peaceful feeling or spiritual experiences.

    I gave no great answers to any of these and additionally encourage others to ask similar hypothetical details to ask about.

  • ApyteletoFlippanarchy@lemmy.dbzer0.comTaps the sign...
    7 hours ago

    Yeah. I know my audience. I’ve got a couple of innate qualities that kind of person listens to (although I actually got rid of the couple you’re probably thinking of) and when you phrase it as humility and gratitude sometimes you can activate that little shred of goodness they learned in Sunday School at eight years old.

  • ApyteletoFlippanarchy@lemmy.dbzer0.comTaps the sign...
    8 hours ago

    I remember one time I’d been doing yard work and had my hair wrapped up to keep dirt and some sweat out of it. I got in the car and went off to my (now) ex’s house. The road ran past that country ass courthouse in the northern part of the county and I got pulled over just in front of it after going through a stoplight that I’d been stopped at so I couldn’t possibly have been speeding. I was like 20 with the life experience of a fundie kid who was discouraged from leaving the house until 18 and stupid as FUCK and for some stupid fucking reason thought it would be cute and / or funny to lean out the drivers window and yell “what could I possibly have done???” The officer literally started stuttering and apologizing and told me “you just went around the corner a little too fast sorry maam drive safe” and got back in his car and sped off. I was so confused. Later it occurred to me that he suddenly realized I was white (I was also really cute to the extent that I’m kind of enjoying the reduction in attention now I’ve gotten older).

    When I tell this story to other white people I say that I don’t think I should’ve gotten my ass beat and honestly I probably shouldn’t have gotten pulled over. But I was also being a little bit of a 20 year old little shit. And the moral of the story is that I think everybody should have the right to be a 20 year old li’l shit (just a little, obvs. There’s limits). There are so many times in my life that I have just gotten through by sheer luck because someone gave me the benefit of the doubt. Somebody looked at me and saw a dumb kid fucking up and said,“look, that was kinda shitty of you, here’s how you’re supposed to handle that.” It’s literally saved my life multiple times over. I got my ass beat by the cops during a mental health crisis where somebody who wasn’t some cute little white chick would’ve just got shot. I would not be living the life I’m living now if people hadn’t been so kind to me (or at least gone easier on me than they might’ve otherwise).

    And honestly I just think everybody deserves the benefit of the doubt at least most of the time. And it’s not being ungrateful for what I have to say that (because that’s usually how this conversation comes up). In fact, I think a lot of people are really ungrateful for how many times in their lives that someone looked at them and saw someone who needed help when something as small as a darker shade of skin could’ve meant they saw someone malicious.

    Anyway that’s my soapbox.

  • I mean that’s basically all medicine besides some very specific aesthetic services. Even plastic surgeons do some amazing work sewing people’s faces back on after animal attacks and industrial accidents and whatnot. This is a medical journal article of an amazing facial reconstruction after a car crash but fair warning that in the initial images his face is basically… gone (Scary Link). I’ve also heard stories of general and trauma surgeons trying to find a plastics doctor at 2am to sew a toddler’s face back on after various accidents because while part of stitching anything up is minimizing scarring the delicate skin of a tiny face that has a lot more growing to do is just outside of their skillset once the injury is past a certain surface area.

  • One of the few advantages to my chosen field is that my experience level in my specialty means I’m in demand enough that recruiters will just message me on places like linkedin and indeed so I’ve started putting my status as open to work and just constantly neg them and their job listings like “you listed a salary but it’s a really wide range what does that look like for ten years of experience” then when they give a shitty response or I just run out of questions to neg with I block them. a) it’s super fun and b) this is my community service to help new grads. Giving back to the community and all.

  • To me honestly lust is just lying about sex. Being poly when a partner tells me they had somebody over to fuck while I’ve been on my 3 day work stretch I’m like high five buddy get it but finding a dating app on their phone I didn’t know about or intimate texts I didn’t know about or that they cut into my time with them and told me they were sick or working when they were with another person are all not ok. Same thing when I’ve made relationship fuckups it was never really the having sex with someone else specifically it was that I was doing that after saying I was willing to be monogamous and not fessing up when I realized I couldn’t be.

  • My thought was that they shouldn’t be allowed to do jobs that benefit the outside society at all. They can grow and cook their own food, clean their own living spaces, sew and launder their own clothes etc and maybe hold an outside job as part of a finite period for reintegration but I don’t like the idea of them being allowed to work outside the confines of their incarceration because I worry about a society being able to benefit in any way from incarceration. I think it should always cost way more to lock people up than to let them be free. If you think it’s worth it to keep this person out of society put your money where your mouth is. But yes at the very least they should be paid as much as a normal employee would have to be.

  • I would post in that comm but my main contribution would be to add a conspiracy theory about how China did engineer the virus but targeting the uighurs (and their own elderly) not Americans based on an entire crackpot web a la iasip including everything from blood types to reports of people who have survived the camps saying they were injected with unknown substances but I can read the room well enough to know where my tinfoil hat belongs.

  • Make the men moderate each other’s first messages. You need 3 out of five thumbs up before that first message even goes through. You have to rate five messages before you can try to send one. Make them see how many fucking weirdos there are and hopefully make them behave a little better to begin with by being self conscious about what five other dudes are gonna see. You want five other dudes to see your dick pic on the off chance 3/5 will upvote it? Good fucking luck. Don’t listen to me I just worked for a week in a hospital without running water my brain is a smoothie.

    I really miss the quizzes though. You could also make it so that you can limit your visibility to a threshold of question matching. I reconnected with the guy thought was cool in group therapy a year later when we were both doing much better because we were a 98% match. I didn’t pursue it at the time because meeting a partner in group therapy is a terrible idea particularly because you’re that fresh into recovery but it kind of vaguely felt like a missed connection. Turns out it was because we’re the same fucking person. A year later we were both doing much better and I get this message on OKC like “weird question - did we meet at (the fucking psych hospital we did outpatient at)” and he’s probably the only person in the history of ever that that line would ever work for. Thanks OKC!

    Also: and I say this as a crazy bitch who just got into gnosticism / esoteric Christianity, you need to include star signs. Idgaf if you think it’s fake or not (I myself am mostly in it for the cool rocks) but its already been said in this comment chain that attracting female users is gonna be rough. You need to be willing to meet people where they’re at (this also includes UI btw my female friends think a lot of fedi looks sketchy and don’t wanna be putting their photos in it). I’ve been able to make so many more female friends now that I know what my ascendant is and I’m not sure I even put the right birth time in so there’s a good chance it’s not even my real one. Its like saying you’re a packers fan or your favorite Linux distro. It’s a short set of words that quickly identify ingroups and outgroups and provides a noncommitally vague description of your personality. Just get off your high horse and roll with it we’re trying to get you laid here.

  • Apyteletomemes@lemmy.worldGetting older
    2 days ago

    I evened out by getting into esoteric religion. Now I can tell you which angel to pray to when you need some imagery to focus on while you meditate about why you shouldn’t fuck your ex. The virtue of chastity is here for you from the middle order of angels to help remind you to not think with your little head you horny dumbass. But I also know which lubes go with which types of toys so its not like I’m sex negative either.

  • ApyteletoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comParasites
    2 days ago

    Also most of those newer treatments treat either type 2 (diet / metabolism related) or are an adjunct therapy for a type 1 (genetic) who has also developed insulin resistance over time. With or without insulin resistance a type 1 isn’t making any insulin in their pancreas at ALL and is going to need to take manufactured insulin, whether by a syringe or with an artificial pancreas that needs to be filled with an insulin cartridge. For them a metabolism altering medication isn’t going to make their pancreas start producing insulin again, it’s just going to help their cells respond better to the insulin they still have to inject.

    People have gotten so used to conceptualizing diabetes as a “fat people” disease that they completely ignore the type 1 genetic diabetics who are actually the main users of insulin. Oh and most children with diabetes have type 1 (since it’s genetic) vs type 2 which can be managed with the fancier newer drugs is the “fat people” / diet related type, and most people don’t get that until they’re at least middle aged and have been eating garbage for decades. When people talk about insulin they act like they’re talking about adults who made a choice when most of your exclusively insulin dependent diabetics are gonna be type 1s who got it from genetics and have had it since childhood.

    We should absolutely be caring about people regardless of these moralistic fat shaming arguments but the kind of people saying it’s not a big deal that a month of insulin costs $500 are also usually the same people crying “think of the children!” and the raw hypocrisy of that just drives me fucking bonkers.

  • ApyteletoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comParasites
    2 days ago

    Not even an endocrine doctor. IM knows diabetic medicine because they happen to run into it a fair amount, along with a lot of other diseases from a lot of other body systems like kidney disease or COPD, but they’re not nephrologists or pulmonologists either.