Look at fancy pants over here with their multiple friend groups!
Older millennial nerd.
Look at fancy pants over here with their multiple friend groups!
I first read regrets as Rugrats. Putting that next to pornhub is interesting context.
Patch Adams helps. https://youtu.be/KmpvNTb3UGc?t=1m4s
You don’t use any rotation? Next you’re going to tell me that spinners aren’t supposed to be spun.
More like a Monty Python.
We are currently further from the release of the song “1989” than the release was from actual 1989.
Me flavored water, 15 cents! Come taste my knees!
What a coincidence, a game friend was just talking about receiving some high end perfume as a gift from her son and she was disappointed that it smelled like soap.
I’ve always thought about celebrating Arbor Day like that episode of Raising Hope. Yes, it’s primarily so I can talk about Poppa Woody.
I usually buy the cheap Fruity Pebbles for my kids, but Walmart has out of them one day so I got the name brand as a treat. Their response? “Dad, please don’t buy those again. Dyno Bites are better.” I was flabbergasted.
Then again, they don’t see cereal ads, don’t know who the Flintstones are, but love dinosaurs.
Looks about right for an Adobe/Microsoft software package.
Everybody in this thread is arguing about white vs black magic and forgetting that the KKK leader is called the “Grand Wizard” for real. It’s the reason for this comic.
Also to the people saying that this implies that black people can only cast black magic. That implies that black magic is bad. I disagree, think Final Fantasy.
My 9 year old has been obsessed with Spore YouTube videos lately and he asked for it for Christmas. Picked it up for $2 and he has been constantly talking about his species and the plans he has. Best bang for my buck Christmas present ever.
From what I understand, some mental health meds take a couple weeks to see results.
Reading comprehension FAIL!
IDK about anyone else, but I call it the legbutt.