This is awesome! Looks like it’s time to load a newVM and play! Can’t wait for when it hits production ready.
This is awesome! Looks like it’s time to load a newVM and play! Can’t wait for when it hits production ready.
She’s missing a lot of the requisite PPE to be in a lab.
Yes entertaining but I feel like they skip over the obvious answers for implied butt dildoing. Smutty novels from the ming dynasty specifically refer to sheaths that men could wear because of a belief that the girl should come so that He could gain her energy but that if the man cums he would lose energy.
Yer mums over here.
Or the reddit API shenanigans.
Agreed. The experience is so easy and well integrated that it has been trivial to get my whole family on it. Being open source would be very nice though. That lack of transparency due to closed source is my only real gripe with it.
Oh hi! We’ve been Wheel Active, something electric, and something worthy of party game ?snacks?.
My take on it. I’m hoping wheel active is right because that’s cute.
Not sure if your interest is specifically the programmable split keyboard or rather programmable in general but my Launch Heavy has this programmable layers feature. Its not split though.
Is there some cultural point I’m missing with regards to the benevolent slave owner trope in anime?
Did you click through and read the full comic or just this panel?
This one gave me motion sickness so I haven’t been able to play it. Anyone else in that boat?
I think you’ll be alright.
JFC, find a way to take new Mexico and maybe Colorado as well.
Its a form of slavery…
I tossed Mint on a VM briefly and really disliked it. Specifically finding the terminal was painful. Did they bury it pretty deep or did I just overlook it?
That’s odd. Are you on OSX or is that just a window theme? I run on Linux so maybe the ads aren’t pushed to that set of apps. I’d reach out to their support to confirm if this is a bug or expected behaviour. Also to voice how annoying it is if it is expected behaviour
I’m paid and have never seen an ad. Are you on an oddball subscription?
She is beautiful. What’s her name?
At almost all jobs income tax is taken out by the employer and paid to the government before the worker sees a dime. There is no ly a little bit anyone can do by filing alternate tax witholding documents with their employer.