I bought a Charachorder recently, haven’t had enough practice to master it yet, but it looks very promising.
I bought a Charachorder recently, haven’t had enough practice to master it yet, but it looks very promising.
It doesn’t look too useless if you think about it, it could be foil or some other joker upgrade, it could make another joker better sometimes, if it comes for free or cheap I’d take it
I used Plex before I got tired of it requiring a remote network connection to work in my home network (no remote). I switched to emby a few years ago, and I’m tired of it too: Subtitle is a pain, filtering is a nightmare, integration with sonarr/radarr and configuration is annoying…
I’ve started developing my own streaming server, playback is working nice through the browser from server to tvlaptop. I’m going to integrate Transmission UI into it, and show/movie management, to get rid of sonnarr/radarr and maybe I’ll manage to get rid of jackett too, so tired of this cumbersome stack. I want it all integrated into a single server with a single interface.
Some of those 9 are in the background/blurry, not really “featured” in the picture.
Je travaille en TT tout les jours depuis plusieurs années, il est impensable pour moi de retourner en présentiel, si le travail est faisable a distance je ne vois pas l’intérêt d’être sur place.
Only 7 legs featured in this picture
Most people are not us-citizens.
Thank you I couldn’t figure out that it was supposed to be “demon”, that D is not realistic at all, I read lemon, “Clemon” at worst…
.175s x 365 x 13 ~= 830s per person over 13 year. Which is little less than 14min per user. Scaling by 8 billion people (which is way above the average amount over the period) that’s 1.8 billion hours, which is 450 times less than the announced number
Ridiculous, this number is clearly fake. Not saying that the highlighted subject is not an issue, it really is, but why lie about the number ? I’m sure the real number is impressive enough
This is the first comment I see that actually answers the question. Why on earth are people down voting is beyond me…
Now though, I’d love to get more details about the thought process as I myself never preorder anything ?
Edit : I’ve seen your answers to other comments, I guess it makes sense, all good reasons
Is this an ad ?
The fact that these coincide with the first development of writings has nothing to do with the fact that we know about them. And therefore it is obvious that philosophical thought and complex belief system cannot have existed in pre-recorded history. Before the invention of written symbols, humans were idiots incapable of such things. It is also obvious that those great thinkers came up with everything on their own without relying on previous orally transmitted philosophical traditions and beliefs.
It will likely still be used for training, but it will spit it back censored
You are still on the acid trip, just ride it until it’s over. It’ll be more fun if you just let it do its thing.
For a second I thought I saw my name and was confused what this had to do with me :-D
Personally I love the dozenal clock, which divides a full day in 12 equally sized chunks (of two current hours) then each of those are equally divided into 12 chunks (of 10 current minute) that gives you your two main “clock hands” the larger one circle around the clock once a day, the other one 12 times a day (every two hours), the number on the clock would go from zero to nine then dek and el (like the famous dozenal proposal), the number zero would be at the bottom that way the main hand of the clock would roughly follow the position of the sun around the clock when facing south. Then you can have a third hand on the clock which circles 144 times a day (every 10 min), and then a fourth hand would do a full rotation every 50 second. The time would be denoted using one digits for the position of each hand,
Here are a few conversion examples:
1:2:3 would mean 2 hour 22 minute and 30 seconds in the morning,
4:5:6 would mean 8 hour 55 min 00 sec in the morning
9:X:E (nine dek el) would mean 7 hour 49 minute 10 sec in the afternoon
Of course you wouldn’t need the full precision, we usually round the the closest quarter 9:X:E (nine dek el) would probably be rounded up to 9:E (nine el) for 7:50pm