If it does, I would sure love to know as SMB is a lot slower on Mac when you start getting a lot faster network speeds.
If it does, I would sure love to know as SMB is a lot slower on Mac when you start getting a lot faster network speeds.
At this point, I can’t say I would blame him for still refusing to accept it on an emotional level despite all evidence otherwise. As stupid as it is, how might you cope with knowing you are the sole reason that your daughter is dead? That if it weren’t for your arrogance, you would still have a child?
I don’t agree with it, but I understand. I don’t think I could live with myself if I accepted reality if I were in his situation. Shutting down might be his method of coping. It is a sad situation that was easily preventable.
Unfortunately lithium batteries have been really unstable recently. It is just a fact of life. Nothing could be done about this.
It happens to the best of us.
You guys are getting paid?
Damn, that hurt and it wasn’t even directed at me.
That’s how they getcha. First you install Linux because it looked fun, then you buy a small NAS to protect your most important data, next thing you know you have a server rack in your basement and a half petabyte of storage. Don’t listen to him, OP! This is the path to many financial woes. Run while you still can!
My guy was so disappointed he died. Rip
The laser part is consumable, albeit very slowly. Moving parts age with wear and tear.
Don’t you love it when you start talking about a topic you find interesting as a post only to start to realize this is less about the topic but how you are processing personally traumatic events or similar and the epiphany only started because of it? It is a weird feeling.
My morale is already improving personally. 3 lead tablets a day keeps the insurance companies at bay. Guaranteed to get you a better rate.
I am under the belief that there was no murder and he had a preexisting condition of lead poisoning. As such, we unfortunately do not cover these kinds of conditions in our penal system and his claim must be denied.
I am under the belief that there was no murder and he had a preexisting condition of lead poisoning. As such, we unfortunately do not cover these kinds of conditions in our penal system and his claim must be denied.
It was actually a subsonic vote if we want to be pedantic. With at least 6 votes given and 3 successful votes received.
I like to think my belief that humanity has some decency meant there was no way it could possibly happen. Yet life is often stranger and dumber than fiction.
Agreed. My ex learned how write software for the ti-84 calculator because I was REALLY into it. Girl found her way in. Smart lady, I miss her sometimes.
I think the thing you are looking for is a cigar cutter. A bit small, but it is great for cutting off another type of head.
MY GOD… The plastic took your testicles?!? WHY ARE WE NOT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS???