Most likely true
Most likely true
He’ll be charged with terrorism…right?
No, sorry, not at all. You just said 2 true things that i agree with. I just fail to see the connection. How does reading left to right help me remember that the bigger side is greater? You didn’t even mention the important part in the first comment as if it is implied by left to right reading. I’m clearly missing something that seems obvious to you
How does this help me remember which symbol means greater than and which one means less than?
A lot of people are asking this question
I had to wait for the next season to watch the conclusion the first time I saw it back in the day. Broadcasters were mean with the season ending cliffhangers!
That story arc is still one of my favorites. When Ryker is about to try warping right through the other ship and Data just tells him “standby”, one of my favorite scifi moments in any show/movie. Comparable to Adama saying jump the ship! Where, I don’t have a solution? Anywhere, jump now!
January 6th has entered the chat…and quietly left unnoticed.
Surprising, isn’t it?
Unfortunately, the justice system works very hard to make nullification seem like a non-option and to only select jurors that agree that it isn’t viable.
My dad said that one all the time. Little kid me thought it was a sick burn. Somewhere in my 20s it hit me that it’s actually more of a compliment
Which cis woman was traumatized in either of those articles?
Please provide a source to 1 instance in the history of the world where an abuser used cross-dressing as the primary way to gain access to his victims…we’ll wait.
Yes, people are scared of this. But, only bc GOP leaders tell them to be. It’s a made up fear that cannot be legitimized like you are trying to do
No more questions but this was fascinating and you seem like a super cool person with a lot of depth. Thanks for being vulnerable here
Sure, there’s some tough discussions to be had, but puberty blocker access is pretty damn straightforward to anyone who has actually researched it for 30 seconds or more. Plus, minor healthcare requires parental consent. Maybe some conversations are required. If they are, we better fucking defer to the parents in the meantime.
The agreement was you weren’t going to fact check
Should he have just coasted all the way down the hill? How fast would he be going by then? He seemed to do a pretty good job of braking as much as possible while still being able to steer enough.
NAL, but i believe that they have to show intent in order to prosecute. As long as the legal system works properly, they would have to prove that you’re lying when you say “I forgot that was down there”
Illinois uses net metering so there’s no good reason to disconnect here. We pay $11/mo to be a customer. As long as our net usage is 0 or less year to date, that’s it. Look into the metering rules in your state first
The cops and YOUR boss. My boss kinda sucks but I think yours will take care of you if you just work hard