For a private voice group, could you use something like mumble? It’s still out there, doing voice well.
For a private voice group, could you use something like mumble? It’s still out there, doing voice well.
In the United States war and martial law does not stop the election cycle. There is zero precedent to support this, even Roosevelt had to campaign during WW2. In fact, the constitution is quite clear on the opposite - it perscribes elections must be held, offering no mechanisms for deferment.
No fucking shit. Said this the moment he announced it - the facility was not designed to hold this population, and flying people offshore is crazy expensive. Ignorant plan like all the others, falls apart when grandiose delusion meets reality.
Reddit (and by extension, Lemmy) likely wouldn’t exist without Kevin Rose. He both popularized the concept of user driven link aggregators and royally screwed digg during a big redesign, pushing the users to reddit.
Alexis Ohanian is generally considered a “better” cofounder of reddit (or atleast, not spez). I think the two combining forces to relaunch an OG site is newsworthy.
If it’s a positive, will remain to be seen. I won’t go back to a closed/non-federated platform, personally.
This dev’s profile is weird, is this legit? 35 followers, a gmail contact, 15+ games added to steam this week
Edit- I find I’m not alone in concerns. I’d stay away from this one.
Edit 2- these “devs” seem to have repackaged this public source game. The code is not explicitly licensed and they probably doesn’t have permission to publish it. https://github.com/sarahkwon/Potion-Shopkeeper/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file
There’s something fishy about the void, why does it need all these shapez?
We got GTA5 Remastered before GTA6
As i understand it, Ford tried to ally with trump multiple times, and only got punched in the face with bad deals for Canada for it. I vaugely recall the aluminum tariffs and covid response in first term finally sent him off.
What exactly is sad about it? This is the scenario maga supporters wished for, cheered for, VOTED FOR, for countless innocent people. They only feel mad/bad/sad after it effects them personally, and then - rather than reflect or empathize - have the audacity to demand an exception or loophole. Excuse my lack of sympathy, but he and anyone else who enabled these policies can eat the fattest of dicks. Hope he remains miserable.
Shame it’s metaphorical leopards and not his tigers.
Yes, of course! As long as you make at least $100M a year, all investments will be returned as tax breaks.
I had this mix going while I played shapez 2, efficiency was at all time peak.
Yup, my R representative hasn’t held a general town hall since 2016, but people keep voting him in! Must not be much to talk about.
No! See, that’s the problem these days - too much regulation!
This country has goldfish memory, it’ll be flushed before the film even leaves theaters.
Yeah, album cover artists are usually credited on the album notes - radio silence here, and nothing in notes. And really, anyone painting this would probably have it near top of their public portfolio, would be a great show piece.
What tipped me was trying to following any of the cloth line work, it’s nonsensical and tapers off into nothing. The weird side claw from beast stomach seems not deliberate. It rendered the mans hair in ridiculous detail but let the beast tail smear into the background. The man’s hands are being influenced by the claws.
Then I couldn’t find an artist attributed to it, and finally it scored a 99% for Midjourney on sightengine.
There could be artistic choices being made, but consistency is all over the place, an artist skilled enough to paint that hair, but half ass a tail? Probably not.
I’ll donate $10 to a nonprofit of their choice if anyone can attribute this work to an artist.
Beesly doesn’t deserve this