Can you imagine attempting to clean this
Can you imagine attempting to clean this
Your TOS can’t stop me, I can’t read!
It’ll forever be F-stab in my head
I mean the dude is literally Jewish and pro Israeli, it isn’t even surprising he would have an L take like that
The technologies required to deal with the logistical challenge of moving five men into position every ten seconds would be impressive. That would be 108,000 men entering and leaving the fucking area on a regular rotation for sixty hours a week, plus they’re already all pricked up and lubed.
This doesn’t even account for the philosophical aspect which is that, does merely penetrating for ten seconds max and skedaddling really constitute of a proper, quantifiable fuck? And if that is already dubious, the grounds for the ten-second handy are even shakier. New disciplines of philosophy would have to be erected (heh) to tackle such a quandry.
10/10 roast in the comments
In KDE I hotkeyed Super+PrtSc to run flameshot gui
, so I can instantly get very good custom screen shots that I can annotate or whatever if I want. Then Alt+Super+PrtSc takes a screenshot of both displays and saves it to a custom folder
I used to know a girl whose nipples were pale to blueish because she was extremely light mildly anemic.
The Amish dudes at my work absolutely destroy the toilets. Smears going up the tank, hair everywhere, toilet often clogged. What the fuck are their wives and mothers feeding them??
I tried a bit from the tap after my son was born, can say it was not bad at all
I asked an AI to calculate a side of a triangle today. The hypotenuse was 24 and both opposite sides were equal, with two small angles of 10° and a wide one of 160°. The answer should have been something a little over 12… And it very confidently said 25. That makes zero sense. Fucking AI really is stupid isn’t it.
Goddamn democrats and their 76th-trimester abortions
This is why she’s an ex right
Yeah I’m in the same boat. I’m 29, haven’t gamed since I was 25 or so. Its allure just evaporated once I got into botany, coding, hiking, Pacific War history, etc. Who has time to play vidya??
no giant red blur that’s supposed to be a dong coming out of the bottom of the screen
Wasted opportunity
Sounds like a good way to get a yeast infection
Oh you can’t forget the one of the guy who is in his basement apartment and slowly becomes convinced that everyone he speaks to is an impostor.
Thank you, this post gave me the impetus to actually hunt down a greentext I’ve been trying to find for several years. I used to have a large PNG of it on my old computer.
Pile of dust 2028