@FundMECFS @EvilCartyen @ancientcoins
If you like #AncientCoins, particularly #Roman / #AncientRome I have written about a few on my site: https://coinofnote.com/tag/rome/ (and many from other empires or more modern as well) which should also give you some reading material, no purchase needed :) And those hashtags, along with things like #numismatics and @numismatics should find you some more as well. All the best.
@EvilCartyen @PugJesus @ancientcoins
This one was a ramen budget coin: https://coinofnote.com/360-a-d-rome-ae-3-fel-temp-reparatio/ as was this one: https://coinofnote.com/constantivs-ii-ivnior-vot-x-321-324/ - at least they were ~$2-$3 USD each - so not ideal if it’s that OR eat, but amazing what you can hold in your hand and learn for that little.