Amping up the cold civil war.
Amping up the cold civil war.
Has writing the novel changed in the last several decades? It used to be very rare that any given writer would hit the best seller list, everyone else was steered towards taking writing classes or purchasing somewhat pricey seminars. What is the motive to defend AI writing bots? AI isn’t going to be purchasing seminars or taking classes.
“Generative AI empowers not the artist, not the writer, but the tech industry,” Star Wars: Aftermath author Chuck Wendig said in response to NaNoWriMo’s stance. “It steals content to remake content, graverobbing existing material to staple together its Frankensteinian idea of art and story.”
Good. As I read the following sentence,
…Fresno County Supervisor Steve Brandau, who developed a library material review committee for his county because he was disturbed by the children’s books included in a Pride Month display at a local library
I found myself wondering if Brandau objected to parents indoctrinating their children into an Abrahamic religion? Those religions are the historical roots of long-term anti-LGBT sentiments, thus mandating the need for strong protection of minority rights.
All you young people need to know you’re gorgeous just as you are. You don’t need products to make yourself beautiful, don’t believe the advertising.
A well reasoned reply. With the exception of dementia and presuming they’re of sound mind, aren’t they free to choose to have end-of-life care? Or is such care too expensive, like in the U.S.?
Is PFAS why fatty livers are so common among humans?
Why is dying alone presented as something undesirable?
The agency hopes its report will shed light on the country’s growing issue of vast numbers of its aging population who live, and die, alone.
What AI summarizer are you using?
The article is silent on the topic of religion, yet it is Abrahamic religions (including Christianity) which are historically hostile towards LGBT. I remember a news item I read years ago, the link is long lost, but it was about a Christian who considered it their religious duty to hate and they felt the U.S.'s First Amendment granted them the right to hate. That’s quite the misinterpretation of “love your neighbor as yourself”.
Also reverse victim and offender, DARVO.
This is freedom. War is peace. Up is down.
It is considered one of America’s largest megachurches, which are congregations with an average weekly worship attendance of 2,000 people or more. There are nearly 1,800 megachurches in the United States, according to the Hartford Institute for Religion Research.
1800 x 2000 = 3,600,000, roughly 1% of the U.S. population.
If only avoiding Trump was as easy as avoiding porn!
I’m struck by the similarities to Trump’s bible photo incident: Donald Trump photo op at St. John’s Church - Wikipedia
Edit: Link fixed, thanks to apfelwoiSchoppen
I grew up in a right-wing authoritarian family: physical violence is pretty routine, as is DARVO.
“Churches are not to be touched!” he added.
That would carry so much more weight if churches didn’t touch or otherwise affect people who don’t follow their particular faith.
…I’ve only ever read about grid-scale versions of such projects.
Your EV battery can now power your home, yes really. - The Washington Post
A bunch of the U.S. conservatism around sex is related to Abrahamic religion where sex is presented as sinful. Religious indoctrination begins at a very young age for some kids.
You might consider allergy including those from food. You can change food brands/flavors, analyse ingredient differences, and note responses. I understand vets can also prescribe anti-histamines. Good luck.