Deltachat aussi
Deltachat aussi
Because I’m looking for FOSS right now
It’s called “Bluesky” lol
Do you have a keyboard shortcut to get water after it’s all depleted because AI ?
The CEO of Brave is a fascist dickhead btw
I don’t. They’re really pushing for AI right now. We need a good fork.
ITT: americans who are way too much into private property
Also you put way too much money in your cars, wtf !!!
As a french reading the replies in this thread: Ew
Le combo transphobie + complot zinzin + osef Non merci 🚮
Je l’ai vu et c’était très bien
Thank you for recommending Shelter 🫶
Do this
Talk about heavy breasts
Seize the means of production
The less, the better
Police doesn’t stop crime, it never has and it never will. You have to get this idea out of your head.
I use Kvaesitso and I love it