But, that would lower profits. Profits can never be lowered. Profits can only go up.
But, that would lower profits. Profits can never be lowered. Profits can only go up.
Y’allqueda is a drive to be reconned with. Original klandma is out there calling for civil war two electric boogaloo. At this point I just wish they’d been more successful in organizing a large scale insurrection on Jan 6 so we could have a nice pile of bodies.
Just read the post. They already got double what they asked for on Kickstarter in a week. Sounds like they’re selling it…
They just unionized? Seems like a perfect opportunity to strike instead of quitting…
Ah, yes. Doing the Feinstein to protect democracy!
The American legal system piles on as many, as severe as possible, charges as they can. Unless you’re wealthy and privileged anyway. Their whole goal is the scare you shitless and make you accept a plea deal. Hopefully you can do probation so they can charge you for your own punishment and maybe even make a little money.
Hey, they had to get rid of the public option part and gut the bill to get some republican support! Ignore the fact that it was still passed entirely from a down party lines vote with zero republican support. They had to make it a shitty gutted bill for some reason. It was such an accomplishment forcing everyone to get healthcare from multi billion dollar companies with fat profit margins.
Get about 8 beers deep.
Do a super weird, horrible fake cry on camera.
Now that everyone has turned of the TV, grab the prettiest female reporter. The Republicans won’t care about one more rape.
The people who saw what it’s like first hand for a large portion of their life surely don’t know better than me. It has to be something like selection bias because they left!
There’s some of them mixed that are level headed communist believers. The most vocal, if not the majority seem to be totalitarian sympathizers. It’s so weird to me that all these “communists” don’t seem to realize the economic system a dictatorship claims to be doesn’t really matter.
The ones that say the just top tier delusional horribly false things are something else. I’ve seen multiple people claiming that China is more accepting of LGBTQ people than America/the West. Denying Tianamen square…
The assholes who raise vicious bad dogs will just move onto another breed. You can’t legislate being a good dog owner.
It doesn’t say anything about the amount of drugs. Drug trafficking simply means they moved the drugs with the yacht. It’s a scary copaganda word used to make things sound worse than they are. Probably just a couple grams of coke and they happened to of moved from one states waters to another.
I feel like the line between prostitute and women who have sex with 69 year old guys who have money and drugs is pretty blurry. Then again, I don’t really have a problem with sex work and don’t think it should really be considered a stigma or insult.
Tesla was built off the backs of the US taxpayer. It’s so crazy to me that he’s too dumb to realize being a toxic right winger is bad for business. He gets tax payer funds from the Democrats, his customers definitely skew left of center. I always thought Tesla was insanely over valued, but with all his bullshit and the major car manufacturers giving them competition now Tesla is bound to collapse…
No access to water or toilets for an hour and fifteen minutes is a lot if you really need either.
Shit coin is far superior than poop coin. All the apes have shit coin. You never lose the password to shit coin, there’s always more shit coin passwords.
Eh, I think you’re making it too complicated. The simplest explanation is normally true. They’re just brainwashed low intelligence goons forming a groupthink echo chamber. Instead of blaming brown people and “libruls” they blame capitalists, liberals etc.
Fines are just laws for poor people… This is a terrible idea. Laws need non-monetary punishment or they are just for poor people.
So, what you are saying, is that Democrats are extremely bad at getting their own party members to vote in line with what their voters want them to accomplish? Sounds about right.