2 years agoI’d want the full package, but I’d need to be conscious for the brain part. Not 100% how to do that, but any break in consciousness for any type of brain “transfer” is going to drive the existential crisis of if the new robot brain is me or if the corpse that used to hold everything that was me is me. I feel like if I’m able to maintain consciousness through maybe some sort of nanomachine changing small parts of your brain at a time I can reasonably convince myself I’m me once the process is said and done.
I’d be down for something that was more designed around all the fun bio data smart watches can collect. I’d even be down for a slightly invasive implant that would collect data about my health so I can better keep track of it all. Apple seems the most interested in the health stuff from what I’ve seen and I have no interest in the apple ecosystem. Open source health stuff seems like an opportunity to latch on to before the corpos make the stuff and sell the data.