The “fall” is comparable not the magnitude of what they did, mostly because Cosbys shit mostly came out 20 years after he stopped being culturally relevant.
The “fall” is comparable not the magnitude of what they did, mostly because Cosbys shit mostly came out 20 years after he stopped being culturally relevant.
Oh very much so, but when someone with his means and access to treatment options keeps going off the deep end and ranting about Jews and how some black people must have wanted slavery. It reduces my sympathy.
I live in Australia and I theoretically love guns. I love them from an engineering and design point of view. Going shooting inanimate objects and making a skill based sport out of it looks like enormous fun. But my country has very strict gun control laws so owning one isnt worth the headaches.
But then I’m at the 24hr supermarket near the sketchy neighbourhood and the junkie is screaming at the cashier about something and I am so fucking happy that the likelihood of that guy having a gun is next to zero that I think “Yep, I’ll take that trade”
Audi RS6 avant.
Family wagon that can also hunt supercars with a few mods.
“Man my girlfriend wont let me go anywhere by myself, I cant just sit and scroll on my phone and eat my breakfast without her sitting there talking at me this is fucked”
"I’ve got an idea.:
Cosbys fall came so long after he left the spotlight, for younger people the connection isnt there.
Kanye is definitely up there. Because I hate so much about what Kanye has turned into… his music is just so, so fucking good. For all his personality faults (Or diagnoses… I dont think we will ever know for certain) the man is a musical genius.
When I had a volvo periodically when I got into it Id think “My bum is on the Swedish” completely out of nowhere.
Bill would piss both sides off so much. I feel like everyone would hate him but things would get better.
If you plug a loud muffler with foam they will just cut it off and run open pipes.
As someone who tracks their calories and macros and all that shit, those little single serve packets for kids are a savior.
I still get to have pringles and chips, but theres an element of shame in going for multiple bags.
Hey dont worry, a few times a year you get to look at clouds coming in, the wind pick up alarmingly and get to experience “Am I going to have a house in 3 hours?” Anxiety.
Oh I dont think they are going to get it right. I think they might be deliberately making everyone 10/10 anxious so that when they pull out their real 5/10 plan there will be less pushback because its not the original 10/10 plan. (Higher numbers worse)
Fuck off cunt
They were kind of right and really wrong.
Im 40 and married now… remember how nervous tou were just trying to talk to someone you had a crush on? That level of “Powerline up the ass” intensity of feelings?
Yeah these days, firstly if I’m ever single again shit has gone seriously sideways… But I could without a sense of trepidation walk up to Charlize Theron in a coffee shop, tell her how amazing she was in Aeon flux, ask her how she got involved in executive producing Hyperdrive for netflix and then ask her if she would like to grab dinner sometime. Because these days you have to really go some lengths to get a rise out of me.
Oh fuck right off, does Lemmy actually want to have discussions about anything or should we just take turns screaming “Fuck Trump” and “Fuck Musk” like Daffy and Bugs doing Rabbit season/Duck season?
This week “The only way Canada can avoid these tarriffs is to become the 51st state” literally 48 hours later they are on hold for 30 days while they find an alternative and that happened this week. He talks massive and fucking nuts and then backs off to merely unreasonable and a bit crazy. He still gets to push his agenda in the direction he wants (which I do NOT think is anything good) and no small amount of people will just be glad he didnt go with the first option and the most gullible will be grateful.
Im going to stress that this is entirely hypothetical but I think that its possible that all of this insane behavior COULD be so they can make some sweeping changes and efficiency measures and just have people glad that what they do is so much better than what they said they were going to do.
There was a period at my work where they came through talking about 1 in 4 job losses and overtime bans… etc. 3 months later they overhauled the job, we work a little harder and the restructuring was wildly unnpopular, but the only jobs that were lost were some early retirements and existing vacancies. So yeah it sucked, but a whole lot less that their first threats.
You really dont.
At the point where he is leaving, unarmed and off the property. You’re pretty much 100% in the wrong and in this day and age catching an assault charge means you’re disadvantaged heavily for the rest of your adult life.
You let a petty theif get away with some petty shit for your own good.
Watch for the enormous shit eating grin behind the microphone when he says “Hey Drake” on stage.