DickFuckarelli [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2020


  • This zone thing is fortunately more of a younger person’s deal. Mid 40s, here - so not a problem.

    For example, my very lovely former coworker just had a baby 2 months ago. I made (CW) BBQ for her and her husband and ran it over tonight to their house. I know how it is with having kids, and that first 6 months new parents don’t really leave the house. So I made dinner.

    Anyhow, I’d be lying if I said I’m not attracted to her but we really are just friends. I have no idea how she feels about me, and I’m trying to find out since I’m married. We’re both married. Point is, I really don’t have many friends so I’m happy that she’s my friend and vice versa. Today was the best day because I did something nice for her and her dude with no strings attached.

    Be happy someone is happy with you in their life on any level.

  • It’s hard to pick just one because, duh, capitalism is inherently a scam.

    But if I were to pick just one, it’d have to be the airlines. They’re beyond necessary yet every year they pull some insane shit and no one bats an eye. And no matter what they’re always crying poor and merging merging merging. Can’t you see, they have to - they have no choice.

    First the food costs extra. Then the drinks. Then the bags you check in. Then they charge you to sit in the exit aisle because you get an extra 3 inches. They literally say now it’s “impossible” to book two tickets seated together unless you pay an extra fee. Impossible, you say? How the fuck were you able to do it for so long up until 2022???

  • The first subscription I turned off is my gym membership 10 years ago. That was the first time I realized I was paying for air. With a few hundred dollars spread over years, I’ve amassed a pretty stellar home gym with machines and weights. Granted, the trade off is space.

    In the digital age, really nothing. The wife has Netflix but nothing on that service does shit for me. I get a screen of Max from a close friend and in return she has access to my Plex, and I let her make requests when I go sailing the seas. Max has some ok stuff.

    Anyhow, I do everything not to have a subscription to anything, minus my VPN. I also still buy blurays. Conversely, I haven’t bought a physical video game in at least 5 years - so I’ve succumbed to convenience in that regard.

  • Good for you - let it out. I didn’t have anything specific happen to me. Over the last decade or so, I have become less enamored with social media. To a point where I one by one shed them all (or never signed up, as is the case with Twitter). Reddit was the last to go.

    But yeah, I felt better after a week away. And even better after two weeks. I felt weird losing my “history” but looking back that was just my vanity. As if I contributed something of great meaning. Now that it’s all gone I couldn’t be happier.