That would be freaking awesome if it actually runs on a regular computer and not computer we’ll have 5 years from now (as was the case for a lot of emulators when they started working on them)
That would be freaking awesome if it actually runs on a regular computer and not computer we’ll have 5 years from now (as was the case for a lot of emulators when they started working on them)
How beefy of a PC would you need for that?
I mean, if OEL can get back to even 50% his prime levels, he’s worth the 2.25M.
It’s a gamble but it could actually pay off I feel.
Ah yes, not a good person even when it would be advantageous to you, sorry I forgot you’re actively trying to be an asshole lmao We had already established that, sorry.
Exactly. Most of us can’t really know about it because we don’t see it everyday.
All of my LGBTQ friends have a story or another of a scary situation, and I live in a very LGBTQ friendly place.
Saying there’s no discrimination against them is either misinformed, or burying your head in the sand.
You’re the one who ridiculed someone for “believ[ing] Canada has anything resembling free speech?”
You’re the one making stupid assessment, why would I be the one providing proof?
It’s always the same with you people lol
Huge companies used to make a lot of stuff back in the golden age of capitalism. General electric was a big chemicals and plastics company for instance. It was just normal.
Nowadays, those mega-corporations make more money acting as a bank than they do selling stuff. They’ve just kept some product lines rolling because they’re profitable and safe.
You couldn’t just start a motorcycle company and be competitive against Yamaha. The specific expertise they have took decades to build, so why waste it by closing down those weird branches when they’re still making money.
It sure is better than “It is because I said so, and I’ll stop talking to you because you don’t agree”. Lmao
Go on then, what rights do you have that I don’t?
Because maybe, just maybe, you’re a good person?
Oh and also because pretty much every economist agrees that lower inequalities are better for the economy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It sounds absolutely great in theory, but in practice it could never work.
Say I want to build a house: As a society, we’ve come up with mandatory building codes that tell me how to build a house that’s going to be safe for everyone.
Suppose we got rid of this regulation for libertarianism’s sake.
Most people would still build to code because that’s just the smart thing to do but a small proportion of people would build it the cheapest way possible because it is now their god-given right to do so.
When that house inevitably fails at the worst possible time, I don’t care too much about what happens to the guy himself. He understood the risk and did it anyways. But in a worst case scenario, he could’ve been hosting a kids party that day or something.
Now apply this analogy to… Basically any regulation you’d want to get rid of.
It’s kind of always a balancing act between stopping people from killing each other from sheer stupidity, and letting them do and say whatever the fuck they want when they’re between their own four walls, and pure libertarianism doesn’t allow for that.
HE is free to say and do whatever he wants, he owns the platform.
He literally made it so his posts appear before others because he was getting less likes than other people.
You on the other hand? You better say what musky boy likes.
Billionaire is already a slur.
No one makes that much money without screwing over and abusing other people. There are no ethical billionaires.
Lmao alright gotcha you’re just not arguing in good faith then.
You’re just stating an opinion and presenting it as an inarguable fact lol
Nah what I’m saying is that most states’ taxation rates are pretty close to what you’d get in other developed countries.
Except pretty much every other developed country has cheap healthcare and education. The US is truly alone in this, and it shows, because the US also has some of the worst inequalities of the modern world.
For now, I’m wondering what the Habs are doing exactly.
The Edmundston deal gives them 3.5M of cap space to play with, which seems to me like they’re trying to sign someone, but which FA are they targeting?
Lmao yeah, I’m about the same rating as the author (1300 on lichess), for the same reasons (don’t care for studying a game) and I highly doubt I could win a game against a 2200 rated master even if I played them 500 times lol, no chance.
Also worth considering that Stockfish is as good as the computing power you give it. A browser based Stockfish 14 is not the same as Stockfish 14 on a supercomputer.
I don’t think there are odds that would let me win against 3500 ELO full blown Stockfish. It could probably beat me with like 4 pawns and a king lol
TBH the temperature humans can stand is easy in metric too. 10-30 is livable. 30-40 is getting real fucking hot. 0-10 is cold but you can cope with a little clothing
-30 to 0, though, you’re gonna need special winter clothes and shit. I would not consider 0F (~ -17C) to be the limit of what we can stand, and I’m Canadian.
IMO, the only logical part of the American date system is that it’s the same way you would say it (July 1st 2023).
Since English is my second language, though, and in French you would say 1er Juillet 2023, it still fucks me up anytime a date is like 10/10/2023.
A lot of the beliefs surrounding this issue are decade old lies that have been repeated so often that they’ve become the “truth”.
Best example is the classic rhetoric of public bathrooms.
You might have heard that “Trans people just want to rape little girls in public bathrooms”.
The fact is, the only instance of a trans person ever raping someone in a bathroom I could find was at a women’s prison. Prison bathrooms have a certain reputation regarding rape, so let’s leave it at that.
Meanwhile, trans people are 4 times more likely to be victims of rape than the general population, and I was able to find multiple instances of trans people getting raped in bathrooms by cis people. Let that sink in for a moment.
Getting people to realize these old lies are just that, old shitty lies, has given me some amount of success in educating people in real-life debates.
Lmao I’mma steal that