Fairly detailed explanation, thanks!
Fairly detailed explanation, thanks!
Fair, thanks :)
Why all the hate towards this guy? I didn’t know him before, he seems to be behind games like black and white and fable which are very solid titles
But Ukrainians did that to themselveeeeeees! Don’t you know?
I argue with tankies all the time and they unironically think this
That is not a thing. No part of rhel is closed up: subscribers can still download the source rpms, and the sources themselves are still the same as upstream. Every change they make to the sources is still pushed upstream for everybody to use.
What is broken is automated rebuilds, and if people have a principle problem because they think libre stuff should necessarily be gratis I think they have the wrong principles.
Regardless of that, the rage bait narrative that red hat is “closing down sources” is that, rage bait.
just capital
Like, eh, I guess?
Most spam emails are not corporations looking for customers but scammers looking for victims.
I appreciate the dunk on capitalism as much as the next guy but this feels kinda random
Yeah, ruling class is the enemy.
Explain to me again please, how does that make Russia and its buddies NOT the enemy? Because they fucking are.
Tankie bullshit over here
The whole red hat thing (you mean the centos drama?) has no implications whatsoever on fedora, fyi. If you liked it feel free to go back to it.
Right. We live in a capitalistic society though, not in another one. So either “capitalism gets its hooks” on this stuff or it stays inconvenient and unaffordable. Then we can speak about fantasy scenarios all we want…
Capitalism bad, sure, but you can’t deny it has a way of making things scalable and affordable. If some venture co started the infrastructure to mass produce this stuff and make it possible for everybody to afford it would it be that bad?
Yeah of course I wasn’t serious.
I was pointing out the silliness of referring to something that old as “latest”. This article was just necroed by unilad and suddenly it’s fresh news again.
February 22
We haven’t had signs for 18 months, that ain’t bad
Since when is unilad a reputable source?
I struggled to find this story on any outlet that isn’t a tabloid, an official-sounding never-heard-before bumfucknowhere gazette or a repeater like msn.
The original article seems to be from the guardian (quoted as such by the university itself) in a far less sensationalist way. It was written so long ago that people still thought Russia was a superpower, unilad decided to sensationalise it and publish it as fresh news one and a half years later.
The story is worrying don’t get me wrong, but this is just doom porn.
Bah, se avessi mai conosciuto un egiziano sapresti che culturalmente sono molto più simili a noi rispetto agli ucraini. Abbiamo molto di più a che spartire con gli altri mediterranei che con gli slavi est europei.
Detto questo ben vengano un milione di ucraini che scappano dalla guerra, in galera gli africani che rubano (e anche benvenuti gli africani che scappano dalla guerra e in galera gli ucraini che rubano, quali che siano le proporzioni) ma non rifugiamoci dietro “muh cultura” che è un razzismo coi baffi finti.
Sto invidiando i nord coreani per come vengono trattati dal loro governo…
Sono sicuro che vicino a te ci sia almeno un aeroporto, buon viaggio.
Se immigrare in Corea del Nord è troppo difficile c’è sempre la Russia, lì sono sempre felici di accettare immigrati che scappano dalla dittatura della sinistra in Europa.
Ciao 👋
Well yes, after breaking countless tools with repercussions possibly in the decade range, punching security holes in systems that were hardened with certain expectations (my head aches at the amount of “lol the admin didn’t restrict .config/ssh”) - after all this havoc we will have a native bsd server software that finally complies with a Linux desktop standard. I don’t see downsides to this.
They are not BS reasons, they are just reasons you don’t like. The OpenBSD team - those behind OpenSSH - are very conservative to the point of being almost reactionary, and that’s great for the kind of software they make. OpenBSD defines itself as “boring”, in a good way.
Coming from a Linux world it may seem weird, as around Linux innovation is praised more than improvement so we end up with a bunch of shiny new software with a lot of growing pains, while BSDs tend to be avantgarde on some technical aspects but at the same time very wary of novelty. OpenBSD in particular takes this to the next level with most of development still happening on CVS and many other quirks that would baffle most Linux users.
To each their own. Personally when it’s security stuff I like it boring. I’ve been using openssh since version 2.x and the muscle memory built 20 years ago is still serving me.
Edit: just to be clear, for ssh Linux is a second class citizen. On our distros we run a special (less secure) “portable” version of ssh that they release for us poor peasants. OpenSSH is an OpenBSD tool first, everything else after.
The idea of a console where the manufacturer doesn’t have total control over the OS is ludicrous, no way a Windows box is ever going to “kill” the deck
TLDR: current hardware developments compared to original steam deck wouldn’t allow for significant upgrades with the same level of experience, but they should release a flashy sidegrade like oled switch
While there is little to debate on the first part, I disagree with the second half. Even these little sidegrades usually carry minor hardware differences (the switch itself is just “the switch” but if you ever took interest in modding it you know that there are a lot of generations, all different). One of the greatest features of the deck is that there is just the deck, every deck in existence has the same exact hardware save for bigger storage and slightly different screen finish - underneath a deck is a deck is a deck.
I never want to read “this issue affects steam deck gen2”.