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Joined 11 hours ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2024


  • Back in the day, people got their last names based on their profession.

    Karl Marx was actually born without a last name. He was a bastard and didn’t know his real parents.

    Throughout his life he changed his last name a couple of times, but when the end was nearing, and he reflected on his life, he changed it one last (haha) time: from ThatCommunisWithTheBeard to Marx. And was quoted saying “lol what did I think going with this long last name. gonna cost a ton to write it on the gravestone. Also I’m a Marxist so it kinda make sense, right? right? is anybody here??”

    But no one was there, when he took his last breathe, except for me of course. But that’s a story for another time…

  • I think it’s running Raspberrian. I wanted something Debian based, and thought the official image will do (it does).

    Specifically on my Pi, I’ve set it up in such a way that even if it loses power or internet, I won’t need to do anything for it to be back up.

    But I did have lottts of problems on my VPS. programs crashed, Out Of Memory crashed the OS… really, no shortage of errors. And I had service there I used all the time like music.

    So what I did is use Termux on my phone. this way I could SSH to it from anywhere. Just click the button, run a few commands and be back on with my day. It’s the most convenient way I’ve found. being able to do it from my phone on the go. And since it’s CLI it was much easier to do. Just run the command needed and leave.

    If you want I can elaborate on what Termux is and how I used it here.