I wonder what the etymological roots of the word they use un northern Africa are
I wonder what the etymological roots of the word they use un northern Africa are
Induction is best in theory, however in practice it’s unfortunately often paired with these shitty buttonless capacitive controls that are harder to decipher that hieroglyphics as well as “”“smart”“” features
They do still sell induction stoves with classic dumb buttons but they are either hard to come buy or aimed at professional chefs, which instantly adds two zeros to their price
For a second I thought they went full meta and made an in-game mini boss or final boss that talks directly to that fan
But “wiping something off the map” already is a metaphor.
If you literally “wipe something off a map” it would mean that you walk up to a map, take out a piece of cloth or similar wiping implement, and wipe the map until whatever you want to “wipe off” is no longer recognizable.
Which I guess is bad in terms that you’ve just damaged a piece of navigational equipment, not nothing really happened aside from that
She was shot with an Anti-Maudeteriel Rifle
Es sei denn nocteb zitiert hier nicht Max Goldt, sondern jemanden, der Max Goldts Zitat zitiert hat und anschließend “Max Goldt” gesagt hat. In dem Fall wären die Worte “Max Goldt” Teil des neuen Zitates und gehörten in den zitierten Text.
In den Fall fehlte allerdings die Quellenangaben des neuen Zitates
The title is somewhat ambiguous on weather the daughter also lives in France, so I’m assuming she still lives in her original, non-French speaking country but just talks to you in French now
Puzzle #624
I would have never been able to guess the purple one
Or so the Germans would have you believe
Oh no, we were too loud and woke up Belgium too. Quick Congo, run and hide!
Every single time I’ve thrown out a big box, I’ve ended up regretting it
Wait, I’ve never heard of that, lemme try it.
Did it work?
I don’t use loanwords, all words I use are of my own, original creation. If another language also happens to use that word, then that’s just a coincidence
Just get an unbirthing fetish and then do that in reverse
That story again?
The chain of evidence for that shawl is extremely questionable, as ut only entered evidence like a decade ago and was previously in private ownership
The article doesn’t go into detail about the type of DNA analysis but previous if it was based on mitochondrial DNA it could be very inaccurate
That’s like saying “A diary entry from 1888, found in private ownership in 2010, said that Jack the Ripper wore glasses. Kosminski wore glasses, therefore we can say with 100% certainty that he was the murderer!”
Also, don’t believe articles that use phrases like “100% certain”. If forensics were this good, we’d have no need for courts
Wordle 1,354 4/6