1 year agoWhy should I use Lemmy or https://reddit.com for consuming pornography rather than https://danbooru.donmai.us/ or https://gelbooru.com/ or https://e-hentai.org/ or https://realbooru.com/ or even https://pixiv.net or https://www.deviantart.com/ or https://pornhub.com
The differences I see between link aggregator websites and those websites are that link aggregators have worse discoverability (it’s useful to have tags to search for and a hyperlink to the original source of a piece of content) and comment threading (and comments on pornography are basically useless to me). I don’t see how directing people looking for pornography to a link aggregator website rather than a website dedicated to providing it will be helpful to me.
I discovered that this discussion is probably moot, based on looking at https://join-lemmy.org/instances and loading 6 of the first “Random” Lemmy servers and 6 of the “Most active” Lemmy servers:
Based on this survey, this discussion is only relevant on between 2/6 to 3/6 of all servers, and is not very relevant on more than 5/6 of all servers.
Overall response
I think you didn’t answer my question (“Why should I use Lemmy […] for consuming pornography”).
The post title is “REMEMBER TO SPREAD THE WORD! THE PLATFORM THAT HAS THE PORN ALWAYS WINS!” and the post body is “Start telling people now, over on reddit. BEFORE they start cracking down. That way, everyone will know, and the growth will happen even more rapidly.”. I am suggesting that you NOT “spread the word” or “Start telling people now” in regards to people who want to distribute pornography. I don’t think you addressed that suggestion, though I did not make it explicit in my original reply.
Also, you may have been misled about the role of pornography in the popularity of standards or services. https://youtu.be/hWl9Wux7iVY?si=qgyQRKQmXf72ZK63&t=831 has more information about this topic.
I don’t think it’s important to put any amount of energy into discussing this topic, since our expressions are unlikely to directly affect any policy on a large majority of Lemmy instances. I do appreciate your response though, since we can’t influence policy at all if we’re silent, and I don’t want to unnecessarily make it harder to contribute to making policies!
Specific responses
Thank you, I’m glad you think I managed to express myself well!
My attention cannot be used as effectively to express other people’s desires as it can to express my own desires, so it’s probably best if we each express our personal desires and then consider each other’s comments in order to make decisions that will benefit us. The primary purpose of policy documentation should be to benefit someone, and preferably to benefit a large number of people.
No, I’m not. I don’t think we should use energy considering their desires; I think we should use more energy considering the ideas shared by people who are using Lemmy right now, as I doubt the people who currently do not use Lemmy will contribute resources to maintaining Lemmy servers in the next month, and communities surely benefit more from consistent support than from uncertain amounts of support, and I see that many servers are explicitly hostile to people who want to distribute pornography. If you want to consider the desires of people who don’t use Lemmy, making it easier for them to find relevant servers may be useful.
The answer is probably no, but I also mentioned pornhub, and I see https://www.pornhub.com/albums which I think will be more effective to use to “allow random users to post their nudes” than Lemmy servers, as they are financially incentivized to host that content and pornhub probably has more competent management than the vast majority of Lemmy servers do (due to having a larger number of people managing it, if nothing else).
I agree with the sentiments you expressed. I agree that more people will use Lemmy as time passes, and that the rate of change of people using Lemmy can be affected by Reddit Inc. I agree Lemmy is a suitable replacement for Reddit and is an improvement for me. More people using Lemmy would probably be good for me. I also agree that having a large increase in the number of people using Lemmy will likely cause more discomfort in the short term due to new users’ lack of familiarity with existing culture.
I did notice that because you expressed it with the image attached to your post. You also gave me instructions by using the words “REMEMBER” and “Start”, and I’m expressing that I don’t want to follow those instructions and I’m urging other people to also not follow those instructions.
I probably won’t have to, because the server I use clearly has a rule that pornography isn’t allowed, so I probably won’t have to deal with people posting pornography anytime soon.
I prefer my pornography to have documentation about how it was sourced. That way it’s easier to find it if I want to see it again.