Totally agree. This is a little treasure for Lemmy.
Totally agree. This is a little treasure for Lemmy.
No worries. I like it.
Spinal Meningitis - Ween
That should clear the place out.
Love it! Did you make that yourself?
I thought it was funny. Love me some puns.
What is that, a record for ants?
Thanks. I like seeing your name too, it makes me giggle when I see it. Fyi, you can call me by me nickname Stump Beefknob.
Let me sum up youtube comments. Video about Albert Einstein - “This man is so underrated…”
I am just an old fart who plays minecraft, so I want to see all the little inside jokes. Fan of Jack Black so that is another reason. And I could use a good funny movie right about now.
I am not really sold on this one, as I think they are going to lose what made Tron so special, and it was the effects. They were just mind blowing at the time, and then the effects for Tron Legacy were up there, not as mindblowing, but they seem to have done their homework. They are really going to have to work to keep up the ‘legacy’. The soundtracks for both movies were also spectacular, so another very high bar they will have to get to as well. I will keep an open mind, but am not that optimistic at this point.
I guess I am an outlier as I don’t see a single mention of the Minecraft Movie. I really want to see that.
I guess the real pisser here was that the online component worked just fine. They made an active decision to just cut off linux players which was a real dick move.
I played GTA V online with three of my friends, and had about 900 hours of play. Then one day, bam, they literally cut anyone using Linux off from being able to connect to the servers. It just leaves a real bad taste in my mouth, because I would have probably gone to RDR2 next, and might have even bought RDR on my Switch. Voting with my wallet is all I can do, and at this point it feels like voting for a president. My tiny little vote won’t really amount to much, but hey at least I can feel good about standing on my principals. Like someone else said, they have 30 year backlog of games, and I have similar. So not playing either GTA V online anymore or buying GTA VI won’t really affect me in the long run as far as hindering my enjoyment of other games so there’s that…
if it’s higher than $60,R* can lick my taint.
Well that’s a ripe take on this. Evidently you don’t know anyone who runs Linux and played GTA V online. Rockstar can fuck right off for what they pulled. Definitely didn’t earn any trust, and Windows users should be wary as well since they did that with no notice and no fucks given to a portion of their paid users.
You know, my coworkers do care, and I care about them as well. I think you are trying way too hard to stay in this self deprecating state you are in. If someone tells you happy birthday why do you care if they truly mean it? They meant something or they wouldn’t have even said a word. Just like all the people who have replied here. If they/I truly didn’t give a single fuck we wouldn’t have even clicked the reply button. Maybe try working on yourself and things might turn around, unless you don’t really want that and are fine with the situation you are attempting to complain about.
I feel like people who join really early are basically saying “Tell me you have nothing to do without telling me you have nothing to do.”
My personal all time favorite is this one:
I had two giant servers sitting under my desk when bitcoin started up. I was trying to decide whether to put them to work mining bitcoin or using them for seti at home. Well I decided to go with seti. And I am actually complacent with that decision, because had I got into bitcoin I know that I would have some sort of anxiety over when I sold, or what I paid for something like a pizza. I know those people who are searching trash dumps for their old hard drives are just in a weird hell that I am glad I never put myself in that situation.
It’s not about stopping them, it’s about not getting in trouble with the law moving up to the front of the intersection, especially when it’s triple digit temps.