It’s completely terrible. Week 1 was the same.
I decided to go into this beta without a big alliance group to see how it will be as a pug, and I’ve only played a total of about 5 hours these last few weeks as it’s just awful.
I’ve seen a whole bunch of commanders speaking all different languages, running god knows what builds, all with their own discord to join… our enemies conversely are organised omega alliances with 60+ on meta classes in an organised discord…
not fun as pug and probably not fun for the enemy.
Thinking forward to go live, the life of a new player and general pugs is going to suck super hard, and without new players and pugs we’re doomed
When it goes live I’ll be fine as I have about 3 large alliances I could join plus in an active open field fight guild.
But that is why I wanted to try this beta as a pug, to get a different perspective, and it’s bad