Hardly a hidden gem, but Silent Hill 2, playable via PCSX2. Might get an abandonedware version to work on modern PCs. But PCSX2 + upscaling is sufficient.
Hardly a hidden gem, but Silent Hill 2, playable via PCSX2. Might get an abandonedware version to work on modern PCs. But PCSX2 + upscaling is sufficient.
Can you blame them? Sometimes people dont make good decisions when they are drunk, so thats why they throw them while driving.
I swear I remember a location like this in one of the newer Deus Ex games, which take place in a cyberpunk ish dystopia
frozen pizza is enjoyable you cunt.
I mean its gpod enough,no? Tp be able to force apple to not use proprietary charging. And i assume data will also be a thing on their products, whether or not it uses the full speed capabilities of usb c dpesnt seem to matter.
Its a Holiday in Cambodia
Wish they would stop trying to make Facebook cooler.
Depends really. Protests make sense, riots cluld make sense, however these riots always seem to be on the streets of the average person, this cpuld be blamed on mob mentality, but it is interesting to me, who doesnt like to get conspiritorial, that these riots end up fucking up infastructure of the average person, and destroying smaller businesses, and not in the yards of the mega rich who help these systems stay in place, and who benefit from them. Then since it ends up hurting the average person, we all keep fighting amongst each other, and the people who benefit from corrupt systems dont have to worry about us fighting them.
Those blockchain games are all the same, the only incentive to pkay is money, making the games playability unsustainable
As reddit mod antics go, this seems really benign. Sure its against TOS, but if we start looking at website TOSs as moral authorities, then a lot of what people do wvery day is suddenly morally wrong. And NASCAR ( by my knowledge, again since im not into it i dont kmow kuch abkut them) is a for profit corporation, so its not particularly wrong to mislead them.
I would have a prpblem about people pretending to have life threatening diseases to get in for free, like how soke people might use their kid, pretendong their sick as a method lf getting access to races for free.
As for some internet janitor pretending to be media, i dont think anyine is gettong hurt.
Is this really a bad thing? Possibly Illegal and slightly unethival sure, im here from the frontpage and donr care much for Nascar, but this seems like a reasonable thing to do, doesnt seem it hurts anyone except for maybe the Nascar corporation. As long as they dont actually see themselves as above other users, i dont see why anyone would care.
Will it have pools on launch?
There house, who gives a fuck what theu do with it, remove all the grass, or let it grow to fuck. Dont be a nosy cunt.
Depends, i dont think theres any missions where not using stealth fails the mission. You usually get a choice, but not using stealth can have story consequences in some cases, theres nothing really that makes it feel like it super matters cause the endings you get i believe end up being the same regardless ( all ill say to avoid spoilers) , but not using stealth can have consequences in your interactions with story characters, and the other interactions not related to the main story.
However you are free to blast your way through enemies if you so desire, as i recall. It does however make things more difficult in a few missions.
Okay, so can people just find that shit on google? And also what are the odds of certain companies and agencies being perturbed by me essentially broadcasting copyrighted content? Even if i own it. I shpuldnt expect FBI or worse, Viacom hitmen right? Especially of the content is behond a log in?
Tailscale is a vpn no? Dont think i would be able to connect to it from an xbox or, my family who is even less technologically inclined than I am would be able to figure it out on other devices.
I recently played through every Deus Ex game on linux, first 2 are oibviously low end, and maybe Human Revolution , it came out in 2011. the original and Human revolution are pretty good if you like rpgs, Invisible war the second game is alright but pretty light on some elements that make those two great, cause it was made i think with thje original xbox in mind instead of pc.
Raisins are good and anyome who thinks otherwise is a stupif fucking pile of dogshit, just my opinion though.