What the fuck? What kind of simp would call the person they are allegedly dumping for an asshole?
All I said was that just because we hate him doesn’t make news about him “spam”.
What the fuck? What kind of simp would call the person they are allegedly dumping for an asshole?
All I said was that just because we hate him doesn’t make news about him “spam”.
So you think Musk ordering Twitter to engage in legal identity theft and selling user accounts like a hacker would is somehow a good look?
The only spam I see are the comments like this underneath every post referring to the one richest douche-bros on the planet. We get it. You hate the dude, but like it or not what he does has actual ramifications on real people and corporations. That makes him and his actions newsworthy… Screaming on Lemmy about how you’d like to be an ostrich and stick your head in the sand till he goes away isn’t gonna change that fact.
Unfortunately the US government already took note ages ago. Cross-Industry and general strikes are illegal in the USA… This kinda thing can’t happen here.
Not just that, but they get to charge $100 dollars more for the $5 of ROM while avoiding the support costs and reputation hit of idiots who force the SD card in the wrong way or blaming the device when the SD card is inevitably sheered in half after being forgotten about during a battery replacement.
Unfortunately every market incentive just aligns against expandable storage in phones.
I wish it was just the US copyright system that’s the problem, some nations have worse copyright laws. In France for example architecture can have copyright, and renovations have a separate copyright from the original architecture… The lights on the Eiffel Tower have a separate copyright from the Eiffel Tower itself, which is currently in the public domain. So while it’s completely fine to take a photo of the Tower during the day at night you need to have permission from the copyright holder, and they have taken action against people who have taken photos of the Tower at night.
Then there are some nations where there isn’t even a public domain and stuff never loses their copyright.
Many of these worse laws have been driven by US and EU trade policies and Trade Agreements mandating draconian copyright and intellectual property laws.
Copyright laws are just a nightmare writ large.
People probably took that as a passive aggressive attack against the app and a show of support for Google/YouTube’s ad blocking policies. Try not to take it personally, people round here and back on Reddit always have their hackles permanently raised when it comes to issues like these.
Given that this is kingdom hearts and multiple worlds exist in that franchise and its possible to travel between them it’s possible to have 'travel the world without leaving your home" and still make it so that the full game is only playable with GPS location. All they’d have to do is tie physical locations to worlds in game but then make those worlds navigable without requiring the user to move.
It says in the article why
The new game is a GPS based Action RPG with a new story that builds on the Kingdom Hearts storyline… While the new game isn’t an AR title, it does use a player’s real-life location to figure out their location in the game’s map.
They do. And blocking ads in ad based services also violates the play store ToS… No idea how GreyJey got passed Google’s censors.
why the hell can’t I watch with subtitles in the same language as the film itself? Holy fuck.
Probably because the subtitles have their own copyright separate from the film itself and Amazon likely doesn’t have the license to the English subtitles outside of the USA. It wouldn’t surprise me, music lyrics have their own separate copyright from the recording after all.
The copyright system is the biggest problem here. It simply isn’t fit for purpose in the digital age, unless that purpose was to benefit a handful of legacy mega corps while harming independent content creators and stifling culture across the globe.
I doubt he’d ever do anything really bad, but I know if they did break up my sister would hold a grudge(she’s a great person but takes breakups pretty hard.), and it would certainly make things extremely awkward between us, at least for awhile.
I’m just glad that so far there’s no indication that they will get to that point. They are pretty good at communicating with each other and they already have a system in place that keeps finances from being a point of contention between them, so the most common causes of a divorce shouldn’t be an issue short of something drastic happening, like my sister or him developing a disability that keeps either of them from being able to work.
It’s just concerning for me because my entire social circle was basically formed thanks to their relationship. Every other friend that I am not quite as close to I met through them and they are closer to him and they are with me, and I know at least a few would sever connections the minute they got divorced as a show of support for him, even if he asked them not to, which knowing him he absolutely wouldn’t want them to.
Man this thread just makes me realize how lucky I am that I have a sister who I am close with, and who married a man who shares a ton of my interests and hobbies… I’ve got two lifelong friends so long as they don’t end up divorced.
Ok I’m done giving you the benefit of the doubt. You are an asshole… Please kindly go fuck yourself.
What makes you think learning from someone else’s stupid decisions qualifies as trauma?
I don’t. I think someone you care about dying in a motorcycle accident counts as personal trauma.
When you see someone do something stupid you go “no, I’m ok”, and your life is better for it.
See, this is what I mean. Motorcycle riding isn’t an inherently stupid thing, or at least no more stupid than driving a car or riding a bike. There is inherent danger in all forms of transportation. I don’t see you railing against the people driving two ton land torpedoes that we call "cars’ and killing people on motorcycles or those who walk.
Don’t delude yourself into thinking it isn’t on the table because “not everyone who rides motorcycles dies”.
The only one who suggested it." isn’t on the table" is the strawman in your head
This is why I said you’ve got some personal trauma. You are insisting you don’t actually care about the safety of someone who you spent time out of your day to yell at for wanting to drive a motorcycle, then call anybody who says you are being excessive childish for not agreeing that motorcycles have a 100% injury and mortality rate and that the person who you supposedly don’t care about is doomed to end up like the teacher who supposedly isn’t a source of personal trauma for you
Edit to add: I’ll forgive your ad-homenins because it’s clear you need some therapy to overcome the death of that teacher you knew.
And you are talking like people who ride motorcycles have a 100% death toll. Which is demonstrably false.
I don’t ride them, I’m 29 morbidly obese and have a shit sense of balance. I just can’t stand people who try to spread fear based on personal trauma they experienced instead of being factual about the real dangers of the world.
You sound so paranoid about safety I get the feeling you literally live in a suit of bubble-wrap. If they wanted your finger wagging they’d have asked you for it
Ok sure, remove the film grain… then add in your eye’s natural blind spots, automatic content fill, and varying resolution.
Aka: the eyes you are using to play the game + Frame Generation + Dynamic Resolution.
Personalities of models. Lol, that is some niche market my dude. Never watched a porn a said to myself “wow, I really like her personality”. It’s just smut to beat my meat to, nothing more, nothing less.
That’s the thing though paid porn is niche to begin with, and for people that pay for it there are three groups. Group 1 that cares about production quality, group 2 that has some hyper-niche fetish, and group 3 that wants more than just something to best their meat to, they are looking for a sexual parasocial relationship.
Your future of ai porn of anything and everyone could only address group 2. Group 1 will take quite some time before they are satisfied with generated porn (it would need to be indistinguishable from real 4k porn with high production values.) and group 3 would require the computational power to render it in real time with both a believable personality and high quality graphics.
What else are you gonna call selling someone’s digital identity?
The only person here being an idiot is you and those like you. Y’all think sticking your head in the sand will somehow make it all go away. Like it or not the shithead owns Twitter. Like it or not he’s one of the richest people on the planet. Like it or not that makes his petty ass extremely powerful. Like it or not there are retards who take digital identies seriously and won’t accept the line of “that isn’t me, Twitter must’ve sold my account” as an excuse when a username you use elsewhere suddenly starts spouting neonazi propaganda.
Also I hope y’all are happy with this type of behavior because this kind of toxic behavior will kill lemmy in the long run, just like it killed every other Reddit alternative… Y’all make Reddit seem downright positive.