• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023

  • Besides all that drama of OP:

    Wouldn’t that be THE BEST social media community where messages like that would actually happen? I would love to be a part of an open undivisive group of people who would write things like “Hey, I’m Joe, I do this and that and noticed you, lets band if you like” or “I’m jenna, I do the creative work for XY instance, lets connect”. That would be really cool. The problem is as always that we can not trust these messages because of the last decade of misuse on various platforms. Even if we take out all the scams, we only accept the right message in the right medium: If someone would write me what OP posted on LinkedIn, I would read it as a business inquire connection (at best). If she would write me that on Tinder&co, I would take it as an avance. If I would get a message like that on facebook, I do not believe in it as a honest request anymore. On Insta I would read it as a scam too. But where is the place where I can get a message like that and trust it as it is the norm in that social network? McLuhan said “The Medium is the Message”. We need a Platform/Network/Medium to give a room to actually send a message like that where a connection without the aspect of business or sex is assumed because of the choosen Platform/Network/Medium.

    The Fediverse will not solve this problem sadly, as it is mainly just decentralized, but is not out to solve societary tilts and disgraces. But it is nice to think that such a place/site/room could exist (one day?) where a person (even of another gender) could have an exchange like that without bad intentions. As usally, The good ones are silent, and the loud ones are scams.

  • Beitragstabelle

    Die Höhe deines Mitgliedsbeitrags hängt davon ab, wieviel Du verdienst und wie hoch dein verfügbares Einkommen nach Abzug von Steuern, Sozialabgaben, Unterhaltspflichten und anderen besonderen Belastungen ist. Als einzige Partei nehmen wir keine Spenden von Unternehmen an. Deshalb sind wir auf höhere Mitgliedsbeiträge als andere Parteien angewiesen. Eine Orientierung, wie hoch dein Beitrag sein sollte, findest du in unserer Beitragstabelle.

    Monatliche Einkünfte und Bezüge in Euro - Monatlicher Beitrag in Euro

    Mitglieder ohne Einkommen und Transferleistungsbeziehende* 1,50

    bis 500 3,00

    über 500 bis 600 5,00

    über 600 bis 700 7,00

    über 700 bis 800 9,00

    über 800 bis 900 12,00

    über 900 bis 1000 15,00

    über 1000 bis 1100 20,00

    über 1100 bis 1300 25,00

    über 1300 bis 1500 35,00

    über 1500 bis 1700 45,00

    über 1700 bis 1900 55,00

    über 1900 bis 2100 65,00

    über 2100 bis 2300 75,00

    über 2300 bis 2500 85,00

    darüber: 4 Prozent des Nettoeinkommens

  • You make it sound like the soviets were white lambs when it comes to atrocious internment of people. You should read up on the history of the soviets and their invasion of e.g. the baltics before the nazis took over and then were taken back again by the soviets.


    The internment system grew rapidly, reaching a population of 100,000 in the 1920s. By the end of 1940, the population of the Gulag camps amounted to 1.5 million.

    • 18,000,000 people passed through the Gulag’s camps[1][2][3]
    • 53 Gulag camp directorates (colloquially referred to as simply “camps”) and 423 labor colonies in the Soviet Union as of March 1940[4]
    • The tentative consensus in contemporary Soviet historiography is that roughly 1,600,000[b] died due to detention in the camps.[1][2][3]

    I can recomment the Museum of Occupation in Riga (Latvia) as well as the Cheka/KGB Cornerhouse Museum.

    My point is: Soviet soldiers knew the concept of draconic encampment in gulags and arbitrary death sentences.

  • Wiki:

    Siri was acquired by Apple Inc. in April 2010 under the direction of Steve Jobs. Siri’s original release on iPhone 4s on Oct 2011 received mixed reviews. It received praise for its voice recognition and contextual knowledge of user information, including calendar appointments, but was criticized for requiring stiff user commands and having a lack of flexibility. It was also criticized for lacking information on certain nearby places and for its inability to understand certain English accents. In 2016 and 2017, a number of media reports said that Siri lacked innovation, particularly against new competing voice assistants. The reports concerned Siri’s limited set of features, “bad” voice recognition, and undeveloped service integrations as causing trouble for Apple in the field of artificial intelligence and cloud-based services; the basis for the complaints reportedly due to stifled development, as caused by Apple’s prioritization of user privacy and executive power struggles within the company.[3] Its launch was also overshadowed by the death of Steve Jobs, which occurred one day after the launch.

    Between the release 2011 until today, it was simmering and never developed. It is crazy how such a bad implementation was carried on by apple so long. Over 14 years of failed promises.

  • Reading from top to down, right to left:


    萬曆四十六年 is the 46th year (1618 A.D.) of the Emperor Wanli’s era name. 戶部 was the ministry responsible for monetary affairs in Imperial China. 進到 is some kind of verb that roughly means “presented as tribute”. 大興縣 is a county name, the name of which still remains as a modern day Beijing suburb. 鋪戶 means “shop”. 嚴洪 is a person’s full name. 等 is similar to “etc.” or “et al.”. 買完 indicates this was purchased by the aforementioned person and their companions.

    So the roughly summarized statement is “paid/donated by merchants Yan Hong et al. in Daxing county, presented by the Ministry of Revenue in year 46 of Wanli.” The markings serves as a certification or proof that this person had paid tribute to the imperial court in that year.

    Source came from these two articles: first, and second. Ctrl+F the simplified form “万历四十六年户部进到大兴县铺户严洪等买完” and you can locate the relevant paragraphs and feed them into a translator for further reading. Seems like these ingots were buried in Dingling which was where Emperor Wanli was buried. It was the only Ming imperial tomb to have been excavated.


    From a Reddit Post from June 14, 2022:

  • I once watched a 5h long video about movies from NK and all the movies made it pretty clear, that mountains have a very important stance in the story-telling of Korea and the wider Manchuria. Especially Mount Paektu plays an important part in the myth to the point that Kim Jong Il said he was born there (he was not). People get really impressed when people come from a mountains regardless on the culture it seems (e.g. Moses).

    So this soldier telling this fact, is most likely trying to paint SK as inferior. SK didnt had access to Mount Paektu since the 50s and didn’t keep retelling that story and this soldier ate that Paektu propaganda in the north with a spoons and thinks that makes him/his nation better (it doesn’t).