Both Trump and Harris were pro Israel. Why are third party voters getting gaslighted for Trump’s actions. I didn’t vote for him. And Harris would have been more of the same. Worse/better doesn’t matter. Both backed Israel and sending weapons.
Both Trump and Harris were pro Israel. Why are third party voters getting gaslighted for Trump’s actions. I didn’t vote for him. And Harris would have been more of the same. Worse/better doesn’t matter. Both backed Israel and sending weapons.
Here I am playing the same game every day and your here playing vastly different games on a daily basis! Thanks for the content. I enjoy your posts.
Wouldn’t art created from personal use be taking away commissions from artists? I don’t see how it’s functionally any different. Only the scale is changed. If I wanted a very specific picture I could either generate it myself or get it commissioned. What makes that any difference for Hollywood? Either your paying for the software and someone to generate the content or your paying for the artists? What about CGI vs practical effects? It’s all the same argument.
Thanks for posting this! It’s a nice reminder to support some of the organizations who’s products I enjoy.
Currently I only donate to give directly
3d printing, soap making, mantis keeping and board games when I can find people to play with.
Even if you had a super intelligent species that can make Dyson spheres and travel at the speed of light the observable universe is beyond vast. I don’t know much about cosmology or our ability to detect light but given humans have only been looking into the sky for a couple centuries, not being able to see a thimble in the ocean seems like a non issue. I think if you scale the observable universe down to the size of earth the speed of light becomes 0.05 mph.
There literally is a third option that will be printed on most of not all ballots. Rank choice voting is huge but people should be willing to vote earnestly. Nobody wants to be the one to make the change and wants the world to change first but that’s not how it works.
Don’t worry about the “libertarians” that oppose Chase. I imagine after this defeat the false libertarians will rejoin the MAGA crowd. The convention made it clear that the majority of the party still has good values and principals. Focus on that. Chase won the nomination. The others can either join or move on.
I think it’s important to recognize that the party, as the interview pointed out, is very divided. Do the individuals that you describe exist in the party? Yes. Are they the majority? No. Hence why the libertarian presidential nominee is so contested.
This is the party working to ban abortion, and contraception, and being trans.
I suggest you look up Chase Oliver. The Mises Caucus is not representative of the whole party and even many members in the Caucus are not the way you describe.
Right, government should provide oversight to public goods that, by their nature, require monopolies such as roads or utilities. Government also needs to have a judicial branch that mediates conflicts between individuals and entities.
Well said, I probably wasn’t very clear, but I am not an anarchist. There are certain critical functions that the government must control. When I say freedom from authority I refer to specific government agencies that can exert force on individuals. Government roads don’t force users to do anything but rather empower citizens.
Check out libertarian nomination Chase Oliver. He is very strong on anti-war. Don’t vote for evil to avoid evil. Vote for someone who represents your views.
There is no need for personal attacks. If you are implying I subscribe to conspiracy theories then you are not correct.
Sure, about the candidates and their stances. All the candidates manipulate the polls to make it look like their ahead and they are just used to pressure people to vote for one of the major parties. Vote for who you want in office. And if you are inclined then try to sway others. But this bandwagon appeal isn’t the way.
Whatever happens will happen. We don’t have control over the outcome only our efforts. Do what you can now to fight for what you believe. Stressing over polls doesn’t help.
Chase Oliver is the libertarian nomination and one of his common quotes is that he is “anti-war to the core”. Anybody with sympathy towards Gaza should absolutely be considering voting for Chase in November.
Chase is anti-war on all fronts.
The party leaders incited Trump as a means to get media attention for their convention. It was not a popular choice and a lot of the delegates and party members were asking the invitation be revoked because it can send confusing signals to the rest of the world that aren’t familiar with the party. Since the leaders refused to revoke the invitation the members took it upon themselves to make it clear they don’t support Trump hence all the booing/heckling. There were also apparently a lot of rubber chickens that were confiscated by secret service that were going to be used as noise makers.
If there is freedom from a governing authority then there is no one to take away my freedom to do what I like. Sounds like two ways of saying the same thing. Maybe I miss your point.
I really have a hard time understanding how all this is independent voters fault. There is so much rhetoric about how third party voters are to blame because things are “so much worse with Trump”. Ignoring the fact that even adding all the third party votes to Kamala wouldn’t have changed the outcome. 99% of the atrocities in Gaza happened under the Biden/Harris administration. I’m not saying Trump orchestrated the cease fire or wouldn’t have ramped up the attacks. But there is no precedent to act like Kamala would have advocated for the Palestinians in this situation. In fact, she explicitly sided with Israel. She isn’t some savior y’all. She was on the wrong side on this one. Quit pointing fingers.