• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • When I was 19, a girl told me at a party that I was the coolest guy in school. I was just flattered by the compliment and when I told my girlfriend about it later she said “Yeah she was totally hitting on you”.
    I was like “Nah! Her? No way!”
    Years later, I randomly thought about it and went “oh my god, she was hitting on me!”

  • I’m not sure I completely agree. Yes there’s always been silly popcorn movies and genuine, thoughful works of art, but the problem is that the movies that focus less on spectacle and more on story and characters, tend to barely scrape by at the box office.
    People pretty much only go to the cinema to see big-budget spectacles nowadays, when back in the day you’d go see lots of different types of movies.
    Oppenheimer was the exception to the rule. It was such a breath of fresh air because it was a serious drama with barely any spectacle, but people actually went to see it. I see it as a sign of changing times. Marvel movies are increasingly flopping, and people crave sincerity in cinema again. I have nothing against silly comic book movies, but I don’t want those to be the only type of movie I see.