I usually wouldn’t think twice about a post like this but I weirdly really hate this for some reason. It’s not a play on the phrase “dropping like flies” because there’s no play on it, just a flat reference
I usually wouldn’t think twice about a post like this but I weirdly really hate this for some reason. It’s not a play on the phrase “dropping like flies” because there’s no play on it, just a flat reference
The artist could have saved some time by just not making this
Same here, the best of this place feels like sorting by new on reddit. I really want to see it succeed because of the break away from corporations and into open source but it just doesn’t have the numbers or the content yet I guess. I don’t really wanna go back to reddit but staring at your phone is a hard habit to break
Ronald Reagan was the devil, Jesus was black and the government did 9/11
deleted by creator
If it’s not percentage based that’s just the cost of breaking that law if you feel like it.
If pants are a whole dose shorts are about half a tab. You gotta wear daisy dukes or something to microdose pants
About time beetlepimp got a musical
Here in my car I feel safest of all. I can lock all my doors, it’s the only way to live in cars
If you watch Jordies videos on him they were mainly about his corruption and incompetence but the dudes a comedian and a content creator also so he makes some jokes about him.
Discussion about police mentality and tribalism: “let’s just kill rich people”
My guess is they see the revenue subscription models bring in and they think so little of people they thought that was another way they could nickel and dime people
Because they didn’t get away with it like they expected to*
Clearly it has nothing to do with human nature and greed, it’s all just capitalism apparently
Picky little carnivore cunt only wants to eat meat for some reason
If there had been a misdirection to a second meaning for dropping it would be a pun or a joke not just a statement is my point