• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Oof. I do not work weekends without time off in lieu. Good luck with the burnout when it hits.

    I’d personally respond to their “disappointing” with “Quite the overstep there. Rude.”. Setting boundaries is important.

    They should not expect you to give up your free time without asking. Are they your friend? Are they into you and wanting quality time together off the clock?

    Edit: oh crap. That’s their boss. Yeah, not cool. Maybe the more diplomatic “Time off is important. Hope you have a good trip.” Firm. Set a boundary. However, very much a red flag. They’re trying to push you into a personal space and this could be highly risky. They may have other motives. I’d consider looking elsewhere for roles. Maybe pushing for a part time role e.g. you 4 days and the new person days if long hours or 5 and 2. Max 40 hours a week. That way they get full coverage and you have time off

  • I think unfortunately the one theme we are missing and the one most important is solidarity.

    In my experience, everyone is focussed on their community and furthering their cause. Rightly so in many cases.

    One of the starkest I always felt was when talking about men, children and family courts. When I discuss this online, and even occasionally IRL with feminists. The conversation usually is one of acknowledgement of a problem followed by a cold “we’ll support that when we get the things we need”. It’s a cold brutal unsympathetic view that doesn’t help that feeling of isolation and hardens that “us vs them” division. Many feminists don’t see that the division sewn is intentional, to stop us uniting and fighting for the rights of the working class. Be it trans rights, gay rights, women’s rights, freedom from racial discrimination and men’s rights. They are human rights. We have to stand shoulder to shoulder and make our voice heard in support. We also have to hope that folks from other groups will support us.

    There is nothing more isolating than fighting in the corners of others and then when the time comes get a cold rejection when they come for you. It pushes folk to these liars and snake oil salesmen from the right. We need to remove that oxygen from the fire so those bigoted views can wither and die. Right now, we’re losing that battle. DEI initiatives are being rolled back. Under the guise of fighting positive discrimination, they take more. The destroy awareness of bias, fair selection processes and opportunities for all.

    I fear that the true strength of men fighting for fairness is you need to fight for others, extend the olive branch of friendship and then hope when we fight some will join us even if at times it feels like we will fight alone.

    I’ve lost bigoted anti-trans friends who’ve swallowed the snake oil but to some, I’ll always be seen as a part of the patriarchy, purely because of my gender. So will our sons. I hope they don’t have the same experience of where they cross from innocent child to evil propagator of the patriarchy despite doing nothing wrong other than being born male and becoming an adult.

  • We live in a world of fakeness, and if you’re not standing out, it’s probably because you’re a genuine person. Your boyfriend sees that and loves you for it. The goal is to learn to see it in yourself. Forgive your mistakes, accept your flaws and love your strengths.

    The online world is all smoke and mirrors. Lies without joy. Looking like perfection.

    As I got older, my circles got smaller but better. I cared less about a lot of the noise. Just focussed on being the best me I can be, flaws and all. It took years to get to the point where I love and accept me. Where I forgive my mistakes and can just focus on being better in the future.

    Don’t be hard on yourself. You’re going through a tricky time. You’ll come through this. The fact you feel this shows you’re not a void. You’re human. You deserve love.

    I don’t know you, but from here I can see you’re very introspective and candid. I like that.

    You don’t have to hide from society but you can choose when you deal with it and when you need a rest. That’s cool. No one has unlimited social energy.

  • IcyToestoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldWelp
    17 days ago

    I agree with the start of this post, and then it got a were bit unhinged.

    I’m not acting anything, I was responding to your weird post that seemed to insinuate this place was communist central and everyone here was Hamas sympathisers.

    I don’t know enough history to understand why Hezbollah are seen as worse than the IDF. Even when I researched, I couldn’t find anywhere near the civilian body count. I thought that was the hallmark of terrorism.