The US is a Republic
The US is a Republic
In my opinion, if Newsom is anything worth his salt, he would invest public funds into tiny homes and basically guaranteed jobs for the homeless, rather than being cool with things like:
Newsom, literally with the stoke of a pen, could invest public funds into helping the homeless in a provable way, yet he does not. The only conclusion I can come to is that he does not want to.
Please, convince me otherwise, but the state of, at least, SF under Newsom (and big tech, admittedly) has greatly deteriorated
sparkeda national conversation [sparked] around gun violence as well as “stand your ground” and “castle doctrine,” both self-defense laws."
this. This, is the headline.
The whole “black man killed by white man” is just race baity.
You’re hired
Even worse!!! Why log in, ESPECIALLY if using a VPN, lol. Defeats the purpose of using a VPN by being like “hey reddit this is still me, just using a new IP”
Feel free to explain why Newsom has been campaigning on solving homelessness in California for ~10 years but only made progress when Xi Jinping visited recently, and also why he hadn’t taken the exact same actions sooner. It’s the same reason, after all.
That is a really cool resume item, ngl
Do you mind me asking the languages/frameworks backing it? (e.g. JavaScript/Node)
With the new bullshit ruling by SCOTUS
… um… science
The best kind of science
also, why are you logging in to conduct your research? Log in is not required
Care to explain? As far as I’m aware there are only benefits for hybrid/electric vehicles (in the US at least)
Ahh yes, that $57 million fine will put a HUGE dent in AT&T’s $14 billion 2023 net income, smh…
My att SIM card will deactivate in five, four, thre
Delete hosted cloud. Move back to hosting your own. When every cloud is different (since it’s built and configured by some random IT and DevOps people for that company) it becomes much harder to find an exploit than it is in the big 3 cloud providers. Security by obscurity.
Cloud services targeting governments are just a giant scam (e.g. FedRamp). They are just as vulnerable as everything else, the only difference is some slick salesperson was able to land a contract by talking about how much money it would save by not having to hire “expensive engineers” directly. This is exactly where it leads, and it’s not a surprise, it’s a known known in big tech.
I feel this same way about most the Disney live action remakes. I thought they were enjoyable blasts from the past (for me) but the internet and critics absolutely hated them which was puzzling. I guess I also have felt the same way about remakes where the actor is a different race than the original lore… Who cares?
“Oh noes, Snow White is no longer a ‘damsel in distress’ being kissed by a random dude while she is… checks notes… Unconscious??? AND the actress is Hispanic??? This ruins my life” - literally conservatives so much so that Disney cancelled it.
Some people’s kids smhmh
Describing someone using their race isn’t racism
Making the story about race rather than “this old man shot this young man for seemingly no reason, old man bad” is, in fact, race baiting
If Newsom wanted to he could probably solve the crisis over night, just like he did when Xi Jinping visited.
In Utah they have been constructing “tiny homes” instead of more “shelters”. I think it’s a pretty good idea and, if I remember correctly, the only requirements to qualify are have the need and be drug free. Seems like a much better solution than shared spaces which often turn out to be quite dangerous for many reasons.
Been doing it for ~5 years with 0 scratches… If you have an iPhone maybe they are too delicate, but I also feel like iPhones (in the US at least) don’t have SIM cards since Apple has that G.I. Joe - Kung-Fu grip
If a man ~50 years younger than me that I don’t recognize/know knocks on my door at night, regardless of his race, I would be concerned. Would I just shoot him? No. Would an 80 year old man just shoot him? apparently, I guess… But equating it to racism, without any evidence, is simple race baiting…
The old man is clearly in the wrong, that doesn’t mean he is racist just because the kid was black
Welcome to Lemmy 😂
no green spaces
Did you look at the picture or read the post?
There is literally green space taking up ~70% of the promenade pictured and OP says botanical garden on the roof…
It’s not a forest, but it’s also not simply concrete
LPT: if you have a case on your phone, put it inside the case (between the case and phone) and you’ll always have it when you need it
I am once again asking you to rock the
housesenate down, Bernie.