Im normally against gun ownership, but these are not normal times, these are times to use that 2nd amendment in your constitution for what it was created.
Im normally against gun ownership, but these are not normal times, these are times to use that 2nd amendment in your constitution for what it was created.
I dont really care, I hope people start singing this in sports events against the US.
Van Houtte is pretty good imo. There is also Napoleon
thank you! together we stand, divided we fall!
Part of me regrets to had made this post with a youtube video given the context, so I want to remind you that you can watch youtube videos without ads by using Firefox and the uBlock origin extension.
love 22 minutes :)
this is why I dont like to dig too much into musicians lives, they always disappoint me.
we didnt choose this commercial war but boy we will defend ourselves. You can thank that cartoon that americans chose to represent them.
That sounds like natural selection is taking care of business.
wait, im out of the loop, what did Dave Mustaine do?
But they’re made of the same material so it shouldn’t make a difference
They are not designed to protect you against the same amount of force as a motorcycle helmet. That study just proves that expired bicycle helmets are still good for bicycle accidents, not motorcycle accidents. I rest my case.
The point in the video that you are missing is that the material when new, has oils that makes it spongy and more effective. Those oils evaporate with time. The demonstration with the hammer is just to show very casually how brittle the material becomes compared with a new one, and the difference is evident.
The study you linked, as yourself said, is for bicycle helmets. They are not designed to protect you against the same amount of force as a motorcycle helmet.
edit: typo
false, they do degrade with age and use. source:
a guy without a jaw cannot tell stories.
before you buy something there, ask yourself: is this really worth forcing a poor warehouse worker pee in a bottle? you as a consumer have more power than the ceo of the company, use it!
Magic Earth is closed source but it claims it respects the users privacy, it uses open street maps and it has decent traffic data for navigation for some countries. It also has the advantage that you can configure it to stick to the original route if you prefer. This is very important for me because sometimes I want to take a scenic route, or just routes I prefer but that are not necessarily the fastest.
at this point in life I think I already saw all the bands I wanted in concert. I think I can afford to boycot these mfs and stick to local concerts that dont use that garbage company.
not really, not everybody has the same destination, but a lot of people need to go in the same direction at a given moment (thats why you are stuck in traffic in this situation).
Dont let this post speak for all Canadians. I personally appreciate every single one of you american brothers who are against these fascist regime. We fucked them up in 1945 and we will do it again!