You actually going for the single blade safety razor approach then? I think it’s great but can fully get why it isn’t for everyone, so I’d be very interested to hear how you get on if you do try it
You actually going for the single blade safety razor approach then? I think it’s great but can fully get why it isn’t for everyone, so I’d be very interested to hear how you get on if you do try it
It takes a little bit longer at first, but not really. Make sure the blade is sharp and replace it if not, keep tension on the skin, and let the weight of the razor do most of the work without putting extra pressure on. I’ve let others try mine (with a new blade for hygiene) and they’ve managed just find without slicing their face up.
I recommend a more traditional shaving soap over squirty foam, but that’s a lot more personal preference. I’d also strongly advise a good after shave moisturiser to reduce razor burn, a lot of cartridge style include a thin strip of it (which actually make shaving more difficult as it’s slippy), obviously a safety razor doesn’t have space for one so a little bit of manual cream application is advised, plus it smells nice.
If in doubt though, there’s dozens of articles and videos on it.
I personally use a combo of an Edwin Jagger safety razor made in Sheffield UK and Derby Extra blades from Turkey The result is a comfortable shave at a very low cost
I keep a hair dryer next to my enclosure to get it above the MINTEMP threshold, it’s really stupid, but it does at least work.
Have some vague semblance of a working justice system? A very vague one, but at least I’d a decent impersonation
That’s somehow even worse than “Jim will fix it”, even with the subsequent revelations
Wankclown here for me
All in all it’s just another turd on the wall
Rule 34 perhaps? Meaning there must be porn of a car infotainment system out there somewhere
Yes, it’s called Bovril as it’s basically that already
I’ll preface them by saying this is me being critical of it, it is otherwise very good:
Don’t stick your dinky were you wouldn’t stick your pinkie
Please do not fap into your coffee grinder, it’ll really increase the retention with all the stickiness. I fear you may have confused grinder with Grindr here
Fantastic grinder, got one a few months back and absolutely love it. Has a few quirks and I can never not laugh at the bellows, but produces generally tasty coffee with minimal dialling in
Turns out knives you can eat a surprising number of before it kills you
Account of a Man Who Lived Ten Years, after Having Swallowed a Number of Clasp-Knives
The stories that man could tell, bonus points if he has his dog Gromit with him
I don’t know if there’s any legal implications, but morally it’s pretty abhorrent. The question I’d be asking is would you even want to work for a company that engages in that type of tactic, especially since they’re likely to repeat that kind of nonsense after you’ve started the job.
Really simple
No do! That’s absolutely one of the most invigorating and thrilling little pleasures a man can have in a morning. What you absolutely do not do under any circumstances is have a shower wank with it, that way lies tears…
(Have I lowered the tone of the conversation again, I’ll show myself out)