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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I live around it. I know plenty of people who aren’t all the way in the deep end but could eventually go all the way into the deep end. What really helps them not make that final leap is that there is an extremely well deserved stigma against Nazi ideology, the most notorious strain of fascism. There is a gradient and there are plenty of secondary believers whose minds are primed to support a strongman on the elimination of all the bad people keeping society down but would use nicer words to describe it, but tertiary believers who have just been immersed in a deluge of contradictory information can be reasoned with. On this instance at least there is not a lot of tolerance for appeals to popular prejudices which may work out in a general crowd where there isn’t a sufficient challenge to it.

  • I was recently re-diagnosed with ADHD because I wasn’t paying attention the first time I was diagnosed with ADHD (yes really). I thought it was hilarious, but my psychiatrist did not. It’s been six months since then first on the wrong medication and now on the correct medication (Ritalin family made me feel trapped in adrenaline, Adderall family brings me from no dopamine to some dopamine).

    I like how I live my life and I like to be who I am. I do not like executive dysfunction at all (hence the medication) and I’ve learned to work around the spotty memory for the most part and no longer find it as annoying as I used to when I forget things because I no longer have the expectation to always remember everything. I like the hyperfocusing and rapid thinking even though these have also caused issues but I feel in my case I’ve enjoyed more benefits from them than problems.

    I’ve masked forever. Even though I always knew I wasn’t on the same wavelength as most people I learned how to appear to be, even though often times there’s so much involved with what I’m talking about it can be overwhelming to most people which I’ve learned to temper for certain audiences. With this particular difficulty of mine I have no idea how to get someone who isn’t themselves some form of ND who doesn’t understand what it’s like to live a life interpreting the world in a fundamentally different way than they do to understand those differences, especially since it doesn’t directly and obviously benefit them personally to understand it and takes some effort to understand that they wouldn’t even apply to things that are significantly more basic. This aside from the fact that the most notorious symptoms of ADHD are often agreed upon in my culture as the hallmarks an undesirable person (lazy, inconsiderate, pretentious). I’ve always been proud and refuse to entertain those who don’t respect me, which is probably why I came to find later in life that almost everyone I’ve been close with is also ND.

    On that note it’s my opinion at this time that we have a much better chance supporting each other than we do getting those ignorant of and prejudiced against us to understand us enough to help. I don’t think it’s impossible to spread better awareness and understanding, but at the moment I prefer to spend time with and provide mutual aid to those who already understand.

  • I agree with this, and to put it politely Voyager is far from my favorite Trek show. I understand that the main reason for this is that I didn’t click with the main cast as so many who love Voyager do, and that is 100% subjective. Even though I like fewer episodes than I dislike which I’ve seen, the appeal for someone whose taste is different than mine is obvious. Every trek show has oddness or persistent issues but these are typically forgivable because of the other strengths of the show. That the strengths of this show didn’t click with me doesn’t mean it’s nothing more than its bad parts. All this being said I love the character of Janeway and Kate Mulgrew’s performance as the character. I also find it amusing the extremely high number of times the character has been performed committing atrocities even though in most ;) instances it wasn’t the real prime Janeway.

  • Witcher 3 is my favorite game to be heroic in since the correct choice is often either not obvious or otherwise totally unpredictable. I got into character with Geralt’s personality because even though I was trying to be a hero, the consequences of my decisions were often out of my control. As I got used to how things worked and was exposed to how terrible it was for most people, playing heroically became more rewarding.

  • This is interesting because when I was a kid I would always try to do every bad thing the game would let me because I found it hilarious that in the context of the game there could be no consequences for bad behavior. My favorite moment was in KOTOR during a trial where I committed numerous crimes, went on trial for those crimes as part of the story, admitted to my crimes proudly in a court of law, and was let off the hook for story reasons. Now when I play games I have more fun playing heroically and trying to help out as best I can because that’s what I have more fun doing and would find trolling the hapless npcs boring since I used to do it so much.

  • I had quite the ontological shock when I was exposed to methods of investigation and information which was systematically collected and reviewed by people who I became familiar at University. My formerly conservative beliefs were shattered under the weight of the scrutiny which I was now able to apply to them, which caused extreme discomfort because many of the premises which I had planned my life around were not only false, but easily disprovable with the slightest examination. Since then I’ve tried not to be stubborn about the beliefs I hold and will criticize new information instead of dismissing it (although some information can be criticized so quickly it can be dismissed rapidly).

    There hasn’t been hard evidence presented for the new claims of extraterrestrials on Earth to my knowledge, nor have the claims been disproven (these specific claims can be disproven). I choose to withhold judgement on the phenomenon until a sufficient amount of evidence is provided (in my opinion, I suppose) or the claims are disproven, but I’m not going to dismiss the possibility that the claims are true off-hand.

  • Probably, but it wouldn’t be as easy since each instance has different design, admission criteria, and access to other instances. A bot would have to be based on a given instance, so a botnest instance could be cordoned off. If it becomes a bigger issue, each instance may have their own way of dealing with it so the bot would have to be capable of not only negotiating the above obstacles but also how to get around a variety of different ant-bot measures.

  • This is very similar to the development I’ve experienced, thank you for sharing the process itself. Our brains naturally chunk information, so the use of schemas to understand abstract concepts I think is completely intuitive. As you pointed out though sometimes a schema can turn out to be an over-simplification which falsely indicates a topic is less complex than it truly is. It’s interesting to look over all of the cognitive traps we’re vulnerable to which we could never escape if we didn’t admit to ourselves we could fall into them.

  • This quandary reminds me of an experiment on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. A control group of toddlers were given paper and crayons and were advised to draw whatever they wanted, which of course they did. The other group was offered a reward if they drew a picture (candy I think). They found that the toddlers who were drawing only because they wanted to without any reward being involved drew significantly more drawings than the group of toddlers who were drawing to receive compensation for it.

    There’s something about commodifying the things you like to do that takes something away from them. Writing just on your own terms for a while without regard to an audience is not worthless because firstly it has meaning to you and secondly it can be part of a creative process which leads you to what you would want to publish in the future. Taking a break from writing and reading the work of others is similarly productive.