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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The minister in charge of these issues is a religious homophobe and the “party” he represents is more like a loose protest coalition of confused conservatives and racists.

    Our prime minister “would have liked Finland to join the initiative, but the ministers have the authority in their own cabinets”. The racists have our prime minister’s balls in a grip, since the government would dissolve if they got offended and decided to leave. And since the current right wing government is the only chance to crush the labour unions’ power, prime minister Orpo seems to be more than willing to suffer one humiliation after another to win this prize for the corporate sector.

  • Parkside’s value-for-money quality has been astonishing these past few years. I took the risk with them maybe 4-5 years ago and not one power tool from their lineup has had any problems yet. Today I just set up their quiet compressor at my garage, and the damn thing really is so silent that you can even have a discussion using your normal voice when it’s running.

  • This is the way.

    I solely used Netscape Navigator since it came out and after it fell I chose Firefox. My interface has always been modded to look permanently like Firefox 3.6.

    Everything is where I want it to be and everything works perfectly.

    Many moons ago my employer tried to force us to use only Internet Explorer / Edge for reasons they were unable to explain - since there were none, technically or otherwise. I rebelled and remotely installed Firefox with Adblock / uBlock Origin to every personal computer (I was the unofficial IT guy) and told my co-workers to try it out.

    At the next meeting we were told that the use of Firefox is not only approved but recommended. The magic of an “ad free browser” had taken hold, people found it vastly superior and had been vocal about their newfound dislike of MS browsers.

    To my surprise I wasn’t even reprimanded in any way.

  • One kid sniffed lighter gas and jacked off during 9th grade chemistry class. He passed out and fell off his chair and hit his head to the floor with his dick still clutched in his hand.

    The teacher was so terrified that she couldn’t do anything but stutter and shake violently. Me and a couple of my friends dragged the idiot outside to get fresh air while waiting for the ambulance.

    The sniffer came back to school the next day like nothing had ever happened. This incident was never again discussed in any way by the teachers or other faculty members.

    There were lots of totally crazy shit happening on a weekly basis. The early 90’s were pretty wild where I grew up.

  • Orpon ja EK:n haluttomuus/kyvyttömyys pitää Purran laumaa kurissa on sysännyt tämän maan hyvin vaaralliselle tielle.

    Valtiovarainministeri julkaisee saksikuvia hymy huulillaan kun sosiaaliturvasta leikataan rankasti.

    Oikeusministeri kertoi Oulun viimeisten puukotusten jälkeen tahtovansa antaa poliisille valtuudet tarkastaa kenen tahansa laukut ja taskut milloin vain “varmuuden varalta”.

    Elinkeinoministeri on mitä ilmeisimmin hyvin nuorista naisista/tytöistä kiinnostunut saalistaja, joka jatkaa surutta ja ylpeänä hyökkäyksiään hänen toimintaansa kommentoinutta mediaa kohtaan. Hallituspuolueet antoivat kuitenkin (lähes) täyden tukensa tälle pikku veijarille eduskunnan luottamusäänestyksessä. Ministeri Ilkka Kanerva erosi aikanaan omatoimisesti, kun jäi kiinni läheteltyään tekstiviestejä stripparille ja yriteltyään peitellä asiaa valehtelemalla. Nykymenon valossa ei voi kuin ihailla Kanervan selkärankaa.

    Kansanedustaja Mäkelä ulisee mediassa siitä, että oikeustieteen emeritusprofessori kehtaa nostaa haastattelussa esille syvän huolensa perustuslakivaliokunnan politisoitumisesta ja oikeusvaltioperiaatteen murenemisesta.

    Jos joku olisi 10 vuotta sitten väittänyt, että mikään edellämainituista olisi ollut hyväksyttävää tai edes siedettävää toimintaa kansanedustajalta tai ministeriltä, hänet olisi naurettu ulos keskustelusta samantien.

    Mutta tällä mennään, kun kansa ei vaan tiedä.