Quite possibly one of the dumbest uses of nation state clout in human history
I actually still mess with diskettes on a fairly frequent basis, but it’s more of a hobby thing than a serious use thing
HAARPposting: First as farce, then as tragedy
Whack Rap Con Carne.
The whole “Oh if not for those filthy external influences people’d just do thing our way by default.” mindset is always a hoot. Big problem in a lot of places.
Unlimited locker stuffings upon the constitutional originalists
So Long, Astoria.
For anyone who actually wants a sequel for some reason, Konami made a NES game that’s pretty solid.
I think I’m a Marxist-Kirkjohnist.
Rahm Emanuel vexes me by continuing to live.
Yeah I’ve just kind of felt like shit for one reason or another for most of my life to this point
Enjoying an ice cold Baikal Cola, the American classic
Rocky Linux 2
Assigned System/370 Operator At Birth
I hate market consolidation! I hate market consolidation!
I’m curious as to how people toughed it out despite most christian religious institutions being so uniformly corrupt and plain irritating. Shit, the crowd FSTDT dunks on, american politicians, and internet theology were all it took for me to get so deeply disillusioned I wanted to just cut strike everything from my mind, regardless of who’s right or wrong. Merely not having other options to a point where leaving is unthinkable? Fear of reprisal from legal and cultural consequences?
Then again, I suppose at that point they would’ve just shifted to a different, less institution-focused denomination instead of just saying “fuck the whole thing” like I did. It wasn’t a matter of the facts, it was a matter of me being fucking sick of them.
On that note, what’s up with the obligate coprophagy of the koala? And their famously smooth brains? I’d make the koala, were it I in the high seat, but a kind and caring creator wouldn’t.
I want blood. Don’t care whose it is just so long as some of it is theirs
I miss the mountains of the Northwest. There’s something that remains really weird to me about how flat my stretch of the Great Lakes are, even 20 years on.
It’s awfully convenient how people suddenly stick their necks out on stuff once it expressly wouldn’t make a difference anymore