True. Downvoters clearly aren’t engineers. I hope Ukraine will get all the support they require though.
True. Downvoters clearly aren’t engineers. I hope Ukraine will get all the support they require though.
It’s cool. But it sucks what we are going through.
Yes and thank you for the advice and concern. I instantly started going to church functions from several churches of varying types. Reason? People, meet regularly, free.
I’m Buddhist but had started out as a southern Baptist in Missouri usa. There are hardly any Buddhist sanghas (congregation) that I can attend and isn’t zoom.
I just need to be be outside, walk dog for exercise.
Found a divorce care support group at a local Lutheran church. Went to my first meeting already.
Tomorrow on Friday is my first therapy/councilor appointment.
Called an old friend I know since freshman year and we will start hanging out again.
Called mom when I was in the store bawling my eyes out for a very brief moment. She helped ground me.
It’s not easy. But I’ve done a lot in five days since I found out.
My wife and I still love each other very much and are working together so we both can survive this.
She and I are civil, getting along, and going to work together to make this fair and easy. We did have a normal Christmas together, but this was still looming over our heads. Scotland is my ancestors origins and one day, I hope to visit.
Wow, this is incredibly interesting on many levels. Thanks.
Merry Christmas. I told my story too many times this past five days, but my wife filed for divorce on the 20th. Been super busy and productive these five days lawyers, support groups, counceling, groups of people, texting support friends, looking for places to live. Wife still being super cool about it and we are working together so both of us don’t suffer. 28 years.
man man man gives the secrets to the universe
Looks great. Like the tan yellow highlights. I might’ve added some white-gray drybrush on the hackles and tail.
Also: Boo Wolves Magnus did nothing wrong.
The dog when I’m about to snap the picture.
Bless him and that his mind can find peace.
Where is Hazel? Starts peek a boo
Oh just saw a movie reaction that makes me think another dog pair could be “walker” and “Texas ranger”
Cute dogs. I would’ve caught the boomerang ref. But really didn’t like that movie. Love Eddie but that one and vampire in Brooklyn… ugh.
Put one in Putin’s pooter.
Mine was when they have windows 8 out for free for a limited time. Then I wasn’t able to go back to 7 somehow. Was already into linux by then. That just made me commit 100%. Gamer, CAD user, but still haven’t looked back.
Lol wow