Leave. New users don’t need to see your genocidal propaganda.
Leave. New users don’t need to see your genocidal propaganda.
Since we’re dusting off these old gems https://youtu.be/goh2x_G0ct4?si=4hOn0Mxt1czZd6xA
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
“A journalist who was drafted” https://www.hnaftali.com : “Hananya has been working for Prime Minister Netanyahu in his digital team for the past 5 years.”
You might want to double check who kicked out the Jews and started the diaspora.
Axchuatlly, one of the miracles for mother Theresa’s canonization was that someone took a really nice picture inside of one of her houses of pain and suffering
Jedis aren’t the only ones with the magic and every religion’s lore is presented as real so I think yes
It’s technically different
(which is the best kind of different)
…and a race of slaves who benefit from their station.
William Rehnquist had a speaker installed in his private bathroom and the last couple of years on the court, he would suddenly disappear from the bench during oral arguments, but never worry, he could still hear them arguing on his special toilet speaker before making decisions that would affect hundreds of millions of people.
That’s actually Paper Towel Man
Close mindedness confirmed. Bigotry, on display. Tb0n3 is just some alt-right troll. No more feeding the trolls. Goodnight sweet Jordan Peterson fan.
There is some delicious irony in 100+ Thomas clerks signing an opinion that ignores the actual issue, reaches a pre-determined conclusion based on their preexisting support for the guy, and gives no logical or objective reason why you should agree.
You called trans people a term that has not been generally used for a good 25 years. You can just call them trans or transgender people and not trans***uals. I don’t know many leftists who regularly defend the use of ableist and anti-LGBT slurs and you really need to drop them if you want people to treat you like you aren’t a bigot trying to sow discord in spaces that you see as too left. Don’t forget, the pictures of the Nazi book burnings you may have seen are most likely them burning the archives of the largest gender clinic in the world at the time (most academic research regarding trans people was literally destroyed by the literal Nazis) and before they began summarily killing Jews, the Nazis murdered the mentally handicapped. So no, not everyone who is “to the right of Bernie Sanders” is a Nazi. But when you are like “I think we should entertain even the wildest, most hypothetical and propaganda-based fears regarding trans people and deny them the right to participate in society until we have “had enough time” to discuss them and also mentally handicap people and other people I disagree with too are slur” then forgive the rest of us for noticing the classic Nazi pattern. Especially when the rest of us have already read this history once. When they say “never again” they mean people like me telling people like you to quit regurgitating the Nazi line, whether you mean to or not. Again hopefully you didn’t mean to and hopefully this can be a wakeup call, but you need to take a breath and realize that you aren’t helping anyone other than those on the extreme right with this line of argument.
I live on Earth, where people are being harmed every day by bigots and their propaganda. Whether you are smart enough to know what you are saying is harmful or too ignorant to be aware that bigoted propaganda leads to pain and death of innocent people, you are still responsible for your actions. Just like you are “just entertaining the idea” of banning trans people (I won’t use your slurs) from public accommodations because of something Ron DeSantis won’t stop saying on TV, I am “just entertaining the idea” that, in fact, maybe YOU instead of innocent trans people should have YOUR rights taken away and give YOU no opportunity to participate in the discussion of your basic rights to participate in society like the rest of us. Maybe you would get out of your defensive echo chamber for the first two seconds in your life and realize “hey, maybe I, Tb0n3, am just parroting Nazi propaganda about trans people (and mentally disabled people) and maybe I need to think about that a little more because I sure don’t like it when people treat me that way” instead of insisting that you are still being reasonable using a propaganda tactic that wasn’t new when Goebles employed it almost 90 years ago.
But of course, it took two responses for you to go to slurs above, so the idea that you would have any self awareness necessary to go “hey, maybe all these people that seem to disagree with me might have a point and I am the one who hasn’t thought it through” is a stretch. It’s been fun chatting with you, hate-bot. I hope you find a way to leave trans people and the mentally disabled alone in the future. They do not deserve your shitty views.
I am just trying to protect fearful women from you, including your hate filled, slur-ridden speech. And if you want me to call you a racist too, OK, you are racist too. All the more reason for all of your devices to be kept away from you, for the protection of all those women of course. You can deny your Klan status all you like, but when you parrot alt-right talking points, and double down on slurs (also, they taught us to stop using r****d like 30 years ago, what chatbot planet do you live on where that’s OK?), we surely won’t take your word for it. Again, you don’t understand that people are really afraid of you, so it is better to err on the side of caution and protect everyone from you. You may not feel like you are dangerous, but aren’t you the worst person to judge your potential danger to others? Again, I am just here to protect women and apparently the mentally disabled and probably the Jews from you, so please stay off the internet until the rest of us decide you are not a threat. It will just be a few decades, surely you don’t mind.
I didn’t call you racist. So far your bigotry has been anti-trans and anti-disability. I fear you may be antisemitic too, since that is sort of the historic formula that people like talking about so much. And now you use anti-trans slurs on top of your anti-disable slurs. If it sounds like a bigot. But this is all a waste of time. Didn’t we already establish that women are uncomfortable sharing the internet with you and, therefore, you should not be allowed here anymore? Why are you still posting all of your vile hate?
South Africa filed an 84 page detailed account of the genocide in the ICJ. Citing sources. The vast majority of scholars of genocide agree it is a genocide. It’s not hard unless you are a Hasbara-bot (sorry to call you out my robot friend). Head of back to your programmers at AIPAC. Maybe twitter is more to your liking? In any case, y’all infect every other corner of the media. Get of the fediverse.