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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Well, I cannot imagine wizard dieing to a nuke. You would have to surprise them I suppose. I mean, what if they teleport the nuke to some other place?

    Even if all the tech kept working, I imagine the only way you could beat a wizard as a Muggle is if they don’t see it coming.

    If they see a gun, sure, the first wizard may be surprised and die, but it will not take long to find a spell that shields them. Rockets? Same story. Sure you can destroy stuff, even kill a bunch. The rest will be back though, and they can teleport, change memories, actually turn into another person or animal, turn you into an animal and whatever else.

    The one plot hole in HP that always annoyed me is how Avada Kedavra is supposed to be the worst spell. In the books it is mentioned how Peter Pippeling blew up a whole street with a bunch of muggles in it. That seems way more dangerous…

  • I work in a warehouse of a company that sells a pretty huge variation of products. I drive fork lifts on a regular basis, but my work is about 50% computer work too. But not in the office, my computer is in the warehouse.

    I used to be a computer programmer, but being in the office all day drives me nuts. I need to be a little bit more active and I also like to change my view every now and then.

    We have basically no downtime, there is always something to do, we are understaffed, the new hires don’t have a clue so all the work comes to the experiences workers. We are also trying to change some processes but we barely have the time.

    So for me, the question was just really weird, I cannot imagine having nothing to do. I don’t even know what I would do if I have nothing to do. Probably take the day off or something…

  • I am quite tall, and I currently drive a Yamaha Tracer 900 from 2018. It’s not a naked, the naked version would be the MT09 which is pretty high value as well.

    Be sure to test one from 2018 or later though, the earlier versions did not have the injection figured out properly, and the throttle was choppy because of that. Very on/off. Later versions are much better. The Tracer 900 and the MT09 use the same engine, so that is nice.

    The SV650 really is a nice bike and it handles well. It’s one of those bikes I can recommend anyone. Even experienced riders can have a lot of fun with it. Because it is light and agile it corners really well.

  • This is what I took lessons on, not the 2024 one, but the same model. It really is a nice starter bike, light, agile and also forgiving. If I remember correctly it had a support system that helped with driving away without stalling.

    It was also controllable. There is enough power there, but you could easily drive it slower, where some bikes, especially the higher power ones will accelerate very fast if you twist the throttle too much.

    To be fair, if you are just driving on the roads, you don’t really need more power. More power is fun though.

    In the end I am to tall for a 650 cc bike, so I ended up on a bigger bike. But I will always like this model.

  • This remind me of my school. At the time they used some software to block sites. So I searched for the name of that software, and found an executable file with that name plus config.

    I executed it, and much to my surprise, I could now configure the filters for the whole school. I tested it by entering the URL of a game my classmates was playing at that moment. It was a very weird sensation to see his game getting closed by the software the moment I added it to the blacklist…


    • I and every other students had read and write acces to the directory where the software was installed.
    • The directory was indexed to make it easier for students to find.
    • There was no extra password or authorization.

    I showed a classmate. Told him to not show anybody else. A week later, he added the startpage to the blacklist. As a result, if you opened Internet Explorer, it would close immediately. Obviously, this caused admins to check out what was going on…

    It was fixed later, but it was fun while it lasted.

  • The point for me is that the government automatically seems to think that cash payments are for something illegal. And all of a sudden, the burden is on me to proof that it is not.

    While technically speaking, paying with cash is a very legal way to pay and should not require any explanation at all. Nor should it be more difficult.

    Of course, there is a limit, and I get that paying a 2 million dollar house in cash is reason to at least ask where that money came from. But 3000 dollars or 100000 are amounts of money that in my opinion do not deserve the same amount of checking.

    A lot of random but legal stuff can be done with 10000 dollars of cash. And yes, sometimes you use cash because you don’t want your identity known. Doesn’t mean you are doing something illegal. If the government thinks it is illegal, they should open an investigation and proof it.

    Instead they put the burden on you. Doesn’t seem fair to me, and a limitation on my personal freedom to spend money however I like.

    Not to mention, even things that are legal now, could be made illegal by governments to come, and dictators or oppressive regimes will have no problems with checking logs to see which assholes did something that goes against their values in the past. For that reason alone, governments should only be tracking the minimum amount of information they need.