Mx. Nichole

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • I have been bouncing between CLI/GUI and several there of. On the CLI side I’m flipping back and forth between cmus and musikcube. I prefer cmus as it seems faster and has vim key motions an commands, but I like the TUI of musikcube better, its just got soo much extra stuff I don’t use. I’d love to find a rust rewrite of it that trimmed out the web-server and most of the plugins as I never use them (and yes all you suckless heads I know, I could edit source and rebuild it but… Ain’t nobody got time for that).

    Another point for these is being able to detach them, both work fine in detached sessions so I can start an album or playlist and just say that’s it, back to work. I use Zellij but I imagine using tmux or whatever would work just as well.

    Now as for graphical apps I tend to use Amberol or Rhythmbox depending on what I’m doing, honestly both go fairly unused most the time. But I like having options, Amberol is more geared towards playlist style music so mixtapes or albums not shuffle all. Whereas Rhythmbox will let me just click my library and go … both have good integrations to the widget stack in gnome and cinnamon as well as bars like nwg panel and Waybar.

    Ooh had a fun though and tested. Musikcube works better in tty mode. So I will sometimes open second users in tty mode with ctrl+alt+f(1-5) or even clone a session into tty mode. and i just checked and cmus doesn’t draw the whole screen only whats highlighted. so if you have to drop back to shell or something musikcube is the better option… although i imagine if you’re in that situation music players and such are not high on the priority list :/ .