Wow, that guy’s loaded
I found your email address:
They’re Terminators, but from the Idiocracy universe
The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human - sweat, bad breath, shitty spray-on tanner, everything. Very hard to spot.
He has a litter of wretched offspring that will no doubt try to continue the dynasty
Aw cmon guys, they’re just trying to funnel that money into the pocket of one of our new oligarchs. What’s the big deal?
I love the posts in this community. It’s always shit like
“Why I spent 9 years programming a toaster to wash my car”
Will there be much talking or just lots of gagging sounds from Trump while he’s on his knees
This is why I like programming. You can call your code lots of fun and interesting names and you don’t get an email from HR.
The snake: If you let me bite you all of your problems will go away
Proletariat swine
Did you just ask if JK Rowling really met with Adolf Hitler?
Hope this guy gets hit by a dump truck
Preparing the organs for harvest
I’ve just decided that the future isn’t worth it and I’m throwing all of them in the ocean.
EDIT: OP fixed the title but this post used to be about Navel airships