This is what I used in the past but I had issues with the Deluge thin client when using a Deluge docker image. Did you experience the same thing as well?
This is what I used in the past but I had issues with the Deluge thin client when using a Deluge docker image. Did you experience the same thing as well?
I think this would be the only way. It would be interesting to knowing how much traffic or requests this instance gets to see if its a real problem. Server admins could implement stricter rate limiting for non-members if it becomes an issue. They could even likely implement something that could allow them to sort out which of their members are making the most requests to have some visibility. I don’t believe this is something that is possible today from within platform anyway.
There’s really two issues here:
Maybe @[email protected] would be open to share some insights regarding to the amount of requests is received per month and how much resources its taking
they could cut to a commercial and come back when they are about to complete
I’ve been looking at gitea because of its gitops capabilities that seem to be pretty much on par with github actions. Do you know if forgejo has something similar? There seems to be a lack of documentation in that area. This has been my only reason for not moving to forgejo but im hoping im wrong and just missed some documentation.
EDIT: Thank you all who provided some additional insights that I was missing. I’ll take the leap and give forgejo a try!
I’ve been out of the loop but when I hear that Boeing had built and was launching a spacecraft I immediately knew there was going to be problem. If they have a document history of cutting corners on their aircraft, what would make people think this would be any different.
I hope the astronauts can make it back without incident but knowing Boeing they might use the reentry as an opportunity to “disappear” the whiteness
Yes Taiwan. Thanks for the heads up
thats awesome! do you plan on kneading by hand or with a mixer?
Thanks for the info!
This guy really loves cake
Power has yet to be invented. Once your laptop dies it becomes uselesss. Batteries deteriorate over time and without the latest security patches you’ll definitely get infected sooner rather than later.
When did you encounter this issue? I know there were some issues yesterday that TheDude fixed. May have been related to that. I would recommend trying again. Otherwise can you share what the size of the image you are trying to upload?
there is a 1inch inwards recess
Yes but I could not find any that are recessed. The closest thing that I found was this https://www.amazon.com.au/Smart-things-Flush-Mounted-Connection-sCh-12W-8pin-1-0A/dp/B082B7RZ5H but I can’t find something similar in Canada or USA
This is what I was thinking of as well. In the picture i included in the original post I have a red rectangle block. This is where I intend to mount the tablets. This means that I don’t have all that much space to add this hub behind it.
I was looking for recessed usb outlets but they dont seem to make them. The only thing i was able to find what a recessed housing where i could then add a usb outlet. You know of any that are a 2 in one?
Not sure why you are being downvoted. Your idea of a co-op ISP is something I’ve been wanting to see happen for a while.
I think in one of the next releases of lemmy users will have the option to block the instances they don’t want to interact with. Given that option comes soon I feel that this will be less of a SJW issue and instead more of a user preference.
Mind me asking which docker image you are using? I was never able to get the thin client to work through docker