Thank you, both @codus@[email protected] and @[email protected] , for Web.archive.org links. This is has been a very helpful resource in finding some of what I had, but it is only a partial solution because the information is not necessarily complete.
I think, while, local copies might work for people who were part of the community before the migrations, for people who join the community after the migration - that treasure trove of information - is still inaccessible or only partially accessible. I genuinely hope that a proper working mirror, that represents a complete solution of the subreddit will be implemented or that it will at the very least transition to readmode only, while redirecting future users to the alternatives. In the meantime, I am grateful for the links that have been provided for me and will see what resources I can re-salvage.
I am excited, I woke up this morning, checked my RSS feeds and found out they are voting in the community as to whether to keep it restricted or open. So far users are predominately voting to keep it open - which is a huge bummer, as I think keeping it restricted and switching all new data to decentralized/federated resources is best to break the dependency on centralized sources of social media. But to have the information back ! - I’m already downloading my local copies!