A terminal (iterm mb)
An ide if you don’t use nvim or emacs
Lazy git & git
A browser
Then whatever you need afterwards but if are making an app using psql for example make a docker container instead of downloading psql etc etc
A terminal (iterm mb)
An ide if you don’t use nvim or emacs
Lazy git & git
A browser
Then whatever you need afterwards but if are making an app using psql for example make a docker container instead of downloading psql etc etc
To be fair some stuff is weird.
No error messages
My instance just got defeded, does that mean someone unsubcribed from a sub for me?
What happens if my instance admin deleted my instance?
Not super straight forward if you just want to join and read/write about programming for example
Borrowing the thread
Mine is empty, when I log in after a day or so I still see 2, 3 day old posts. How do I get new ones?
High level learn about what you need to learn about -> video
Actually learn-> written
Yeah 100%
Learn about one concept at a time and take it slow. Look at something like options and understand how they work, then results, then the borrow checker etc and just take it slow. There are a lot of new concepts that are used all the time in rust but not in python, you just need time to learn em
How would they know the person through his alias?
Hmm alright, will br interesting to see how that plays out
Please no blogspam on lemmy as well… keep that on reddit
A service that downloads the weather for a region using several external apis and then checks what one is most accurate/derive your own increased accuracy weather forecast
Does that mean that each subreddit has its own set of admins on each instance?
So if I think the mods on one instance are to left/right/whatever-leaning I can go to the “same subreddit” on a different instance and hope for better mods?
My shimano reel has lasted 15+ years and cost like $35
I have some old clothes from the 90s that are still good but sadly the same brands dont have the same quality today, havent really found any good clothes brands lately.
Ahh alright, that makes sense! thanks
Oh okay so it is like a performance thing?
I’ve always just used ubuntu with i3 because I honestly dont really know what I am potentially missing out on. What is a reason to use something else?
Feels like a super volcano is due to erupt every few years 🤔
The alternative of begging for change requests that never happens is 100x worse imo
Alright, thanks for the info