I have around 1.5 Gb tabs in guitar pro format, downloaded from russian torrent tracker rutracker.org
I have around 1.5 Gb tabs in guitar pro format, downloaded from russian torrent tracker rutracker.org
What was James’ comment? Or where can i find it?
My mother always says: we are not so rich to afford cheap stuff.
For exactly this reason
I’m waiting for a waydroid to become usable on linux phones. Then I’ll ditch android for a more open ecosystem.
but its Android for now.
If you know a bit of russian(or willing to use translate feature in a browser) then rutracker.org. Yes, it is russian site, but it has a lot of international images for any platforms (including, but not limited to PS3 and Switch). In my experience there are always seeders for everything.
I use Emby(jellyfin broke with the amount of music i have and couldn’t parse it properly so i actually bought Emby subscription) + Symphonium on Android. Just checked, full album download worked for me
Symphonium actually works with Jellyfin and has trial period so you can check it out
Last.fm Ever since I’ve created an account on last fm 15 years ago almost every song i listen to is scrobbled(last.fm fancy way of saying “put into database for statistics”).
When you listen to enough bands it can actually provide good recommendations