Which ones ? Apart from CSGO, the others have always been free (on the technicality that Fortnite BR is different from the original game)
Which ones ? Apart from CSGO, the others have always been free (on the technicality that Fortnite BR is different from the original game)
(sorry I took some time to come back to this) I’m not entirely sure the #5 of OSD would apply to the binary results (even though they are considered derivative work). GPL does restrict the license of the binary, but it seems MPLv2 allows licensing the binary differently as long as you don’t restrict the code further:
You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the recipients’ rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
Look like an observatory up a hill watching the stars
How can Firefox not be open source if its sources are under the MPL2 ?
It has always been the case that Firefox is a trademark and you can’t distribute it under that name. However if the code is open source the project is too.
Or work together and do the job in half the time and enjoy the rest
I think that’s Putin’s plan with Trump. I’m not sure they have something on him more than he’s just a complete moron that will destabilize the USA from inside.
The north and south will make contradictory statements about it and the federal decision will be somewhere in between
So it’s coming at us at 0,1% the speed of light?
I mean for privacy things it makes sense to avoid leaking anything. But I fail to understand where the danger is to have anonymous data that says a user installed “Ubuntu-24.04-wappity-whatever.iso” to “KINGSTON DATA TRAVELER 32GB” at some point.
Poppers can also be used in a recreational setting, it gives a head rush and is hilarant, but tends to give me headaches after too many uses. It’s sold legally at some festivals around me.
For MDMA I still think it’s as safe as LSD, and I’d rate it safer than alcohol. You need to respect a few rules, especially like you said with serotonin (SSRIs are a no go), and to manage your body during the high, same as other long acting drugs. But the risks of not getting the correct product is more a problem of the drug war than of the drug itself. Thankfully I’m somewhere where MDMA is cheap, and there is little to no reason to f you over with fake or other drugs like speed which cost more. Testing your product is also best.
As for the exhaustion and come down go, I found that most ppl tend to take way too much, my rule goes body weight(kg) in mg max per dose, and 2-3 doses depending on the party length, I rarely need more to have a good time, and rarely have a harsh comedown. Also pills nowadays tend to become way too potent, with some having 350+mg per, which is way too much in one night, and inconceivable swallowing it whole.
I won’t judge the op on the fully developed brain part, I started testing all that stuff at 18, and I don’t think it had such a negative impact on me (but who knows). But I did realize quickly the impact it had at that time and scaled back massively afterwards.
I think also one of the issues with some of the drugs being “safe” is that it signals them being benign, but they still are hard drugs and they should be treated with care. Maybe op’s friends see his confidence and mistake that as carelessness instead of confidence in his research and experiences.
Poppers may make you go blind.
Salvia can definitely fuck up your brain/psyche, I read multiple reports over the years of persons frying their brain receptors, and being unable to get high from regular weed afterwards. Use only natural or maybe 5x, not more. DMT is (in my experience) similar in feelings, and way safer.
Regular ketamine use results in kidney damage, I know few ppl that pissed blood regularly during their heavy consumer phases.
Op I don’t want to put you down too much, I was the same a decade ago, researching everything and making sure it’s safe. But some drugs on your list should be taken with extra precautions.
Stay with weed, shrooms/lsd(real not the nbome shit) and Molly as they are the only ones I would say are really safe (with caution regarding dosage of course). Generally there’s rarely too much danger in trying once, but regular use and mixed use with other drugs will wear you down over time. I stopped binging so much stuff a long time ago because it started taking a toll on my body and psyche.
Thanks for taking the time to explain it. Indeed the new runtime method does not guarantee when the resource will be cleaned, so something like that Drop trait would be quite useful
Not sure if that’s what you are referring to as destructors, but they added a new way to have code run at resource collection in go 1.24
Not necessarily broken, just not updated recently. Some games might be fine as is
True, and more generally I would not recommend drinking out of plastic containers anyway
They don’t even really look that good. A 3d printer could probably have similar output in an afternoon for less than 10 bucks of filament
Yeah, and they still charge a professional fee to the last tenant even though they did it horribly for half the cost
Dota was always going to be f2p, and maybe you could buy the beta access, but I, like many others, never paid and just got invited. So I would not consider it to be a paid game going f2p